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Ecologic Institute's goal is to promote sustainable change through research and education. This requires an intensive exchange between science, policy-makers, and civil society.

Ecologic Institute's communications team has expertise in knowledge management, public relations, information design, web development, and event management. Based on thoughtful communication strategies, online and offline communication are combined and tailored to reach specific target audiences. The aim is to give research results attention and public relevance. A wide range of communication options and formats are used, such as websites and web applications, surveys, print products (e.g. policy briefs, brochures, flyers, posters, postcards), infographics, video, and audio podcasts. Participative events are organized and realized in various formats, such as webinars and workshops for experts, conferences with more than 1000 participants, study tours on environmental policy or international training courses.

Close cooperation with the scientific teams as well as many years of experience in communicating environmental policy issues ensure the appropriate selection of target groups, content, and communication formats for each project. Ecologic Institute's communications team supports and uses the principles of open source, open access, open data, and creative commons.


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Chiara Mazzetti
Deputy Head of Communications and Events
Communications Manager
Selected Projects for Communication

© ZirTeNet Project 2024

With ZirTeNet, Ecologic Institute supports the networking and coordination of sixteen research and innovation projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the programme "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular textiles"... Read more

@AI generated by Gordian Kerner

The project NormTransform, funded by the Climate Programme (ACRP) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), seeks to quantify emission reduction potentials and the impacts of reduced meat consumption (measured in kg/CO2) in Austria, induced through advertisement... Read more

© BMBF/Gesine Born

Since 2016, young people have been successfully researching and mapping plastic pollution in and around rivers in Germany. As part of the citizen research project Plastic Pirates, they take on the role of scientists and investigate the state of our rivers. More than 1... Read more

© Sandra Naumann

Peatlands are ecosystems for a variety of specialised plant and animal species and serve as important natural carbon reservoirs. They also have a regulating effect on the water and nutrient balance and a cooling evaporation effect, which is important for the local and... Read more

Volodymyr Hryshchenko |

The project "Information and teaching materials for an environmentally conscious use of pharmaceuticals", led by Ecologic Institute, aimed to promote an environmentally responsible use of human pharmaceuticals and to anchor the topic of pharmaceuticals and the... Read more

Photo: Ewa Iwaszuk

Cities and their peripheries are constantly confronted with challenges such as urban sprawl, climate change and pollution. These processes can exacerbate the degradation of natural ecosystems, and jeopardize ecosystem service provisioning with negative consequences for... Read more

International Cooperation to Restore and Connect Urban Environments in Latin America and Europe (INTERLACE)


© Kemper 2023 - landwirtschaftlich genutzte Niederung bei Meyenburg in der Prignitz


Peatland protection and rewetting play a crucial role in climate protection in Brandenburg, as emissions from Brandenburg's drained peatlands need to be reduced. In March 2023, the Brandenburg cabinet adopted a peatland protection program. This program builds on the... Read more

© Getty Images 2024

The links between the biodiversity and climate crises are little known among the general public, or only partial knowledge exists. This applies to the effects of climate change on the biosphere, but also to knowledge about ecosystem services and nature-based solutions. ... Read more

© Ecologic Institute

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change. As expressed in the European Green Deal, the challenge is to initiate the necessary transformation to climate neutrality in the coming years, while... Read more

Transformative Policies for a Climate-neutral European Union (4i-TRACTION)

Biodiversity is a key asset of conservation and – in the urban context –  the basis for providing diverse urban green areas and provisioning ecosystem services. In the German Nature Conservation Offensive 2020 (the German Federal Environment Ministry's action... Read more
Podcast cover

Ecologic Institute

Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission) described the European Green Deal as "Europe's man-on-the-moon moment". With this plan, the European Union aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, protect and enhance nature, and sustainably transform the... Read more
STErn Ptoject Logo

© STErn

Between October 2020 and September 2023, policy recommendations for the transformation towards a sustainable food system were developed within the project "Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Food System" (STErn). The recommendations include short-, medium- and long... Read more
| Fotolia © Christian Schulz
In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinated 20 joint research projects,... Read more

Hubert Berberich (HubiB), CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Existing climate models show that global warming will have severe consequences for Germany and Baden-Württemberg if effective action is not taken. In addition to measures for climate protection, adaptation measures are therefore also necessary to mitigate the... Read more

© Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Citizen Science Project "Deutschland rettet Lebensmittel" Most food waste is generated in private households. The project team of the Dialogue Forum "Private Households" is therefore conducting a Citizen Science project together with Zu gut für die Tonne!... Read more

Ecologic Institut

With the aim of achieving "good ecological status" in all water bodies by 2015, the Water Framework Directive requires Member States to put more emphasis on hydromorphological issues and watercourse connectivity for the conservation and restoration of fish populations.... Read more

© Climate-ADAPT project

The platform aims to assist Europe in adapting to climate change by enabling users to access and share data and information on expected climate change in Europe; current and future vulnerability of regions and sectors; EU, national and transnational adaptation... Read more
The European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) connects diverse organisations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Supported by the European Commission, this bottom-up inclusive initiative aims at uniting the... Read more

The EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy

| Fotolia © kalafoto
Nature is important for the urban environment: trees grant shade during the summer months, while parks and lakes function as areas for relaxation, as places where the urban population comes together, and as space where children can experience nature and learn about it... Read more

Nature Based Urban Innovation (NATURVATION)

| Fotolia © Andreas F
Lignite and hard coal is still Germany's most important energy source for power generation. Yet, Germany's climate policy goals can only be achieved if coal-firing decreases and is phased out completely in the long-term. To date, the "when and how" of this coal exit... Read more
All projects on Communication
Selected Publications for Communication
Screenshot of a website about circular textiles. The header displays the title 'Zirkuläre Textilien' in blue and black. Below, a navigation bar includes links to 'Startseite,' 'Verbundprojekte,' 'News,' 'Veranstaltungen,' and an 'English' option. The main section contains a headline 'Zirkuläre Textilien,' a description of a funding initiative for circular economy in the textile sector, and bullet points outlining key focus areas. On the left, there is an image of a textile production process.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project website "Circular Textiles" within the networking and transfer project of the funding program "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular sustainable textiles: development of holistic, practical solutions for... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2024): Zirkuläre Textilien. Website. URL:

Screenshot of the MoorNet homepage

© Ecologic Institute

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the MoorNet website and embedded peatland protection database. In addition, the website offers a filterable list of peatland-related events as well as quick access to the overview of already gained knowledge. Stakeholders in... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2023): MoorNet. Website. URL:

The image is a cover page for a report titled "State of EU progress to climate neutrality." The cover features the following elements: Title: The title "State of EU progress to climate neutrality" is prominently displayed in bold white text on a deep purple background. Subtitle: Below the title, the subtitle reads, "An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future." Date: The date "July 2024" is shown below the subtitle.

©European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) 2024

The EU is making promising progress on the road to climate neutrality but needs to keep up the pace to achieve the goal. This is the result of the second progress report by the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), which has analysed developments in over 100... Read more

Velten, Eike Karola et al. 2024: Flagship Report: State of EU progress to climate neutrality. An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future. European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO).

Cover image for a report titled "Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe." The subtitle reads "The role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets, and holistic policies." The background features a scenic rural landscape with fields and trees.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Agriculture in the EU accounts for approximately 13% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Globally, the agri-food system is responsible for nearly a third of global emissions. Agriculture and food consumption are key drivers of biodiversity decline,... Read more

Frelih Larsen, A. et al. (2024). Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe: the role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets, and holistic policies. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-937085-37-1


© German Environment Agency, 2024

Pharmacies can order this decorative wall calendar free of charge and give it as a promotional gift to their customers. The calendar is designed as a year-independent birthday calendar in DIN A4. Each month, attractive, large photo motifs and short texts focus on a... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Arzneimittel und Umwelt. Geburtstagskalender. Online:


© Ecologic Institute

For the project "New Cooperation for Sustainable Landuse and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas (KOPOS)", Ecologic Institute designed a ten-part postcard series. The postcard series promotes the first two episodes of the four-part KOPOS podcast series "Ernährungswende –... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: New Cooperation for Sustainable Landuse and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas (KOPOS). Ten-part postcard series.

Illustration of a future scenario titled "If We Finally Take Action…" depicting a sustainable landscape in 20 to 30 years. The negative scenario shows the consequences of inadequate climate protection. Plus symbols highlight different aspects of sustainable development. The graphic is created by NABU/Ecologic Institute.

© NABU/Ecologic Institute, 2025

This interactive infographic shows what the future could look like in 20 to 30 years - in two scenarios: one with resolute climate protection and another scenario that leaves everything as it is. The intention is to make the consequences of climate change more tangible... Read more

NABU 2025: Wie sehen die Folgen der Klimakrise aus? Interactive infographic. Online:

An animated infographic depicting interconnected gears representing key elements of transformative EU climate policy. The gears are color-coded to represent different themes: yellow for integration, purple for infrastructure, green for innovation, and blue for investment. Each gear is labeled with specific actions or strategies, such as "Principled priority to climate & do-no-harm principle," "Strengthen EU Integrated Infrastructure Planning," and "European Climate Investment Plan."

© Ecologic Institute 2024

The EU aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent. However, it is not on track to meet it's 2050 target and significant gaps in innovation, investment, infrastructure, and policy integration remain. The 4i-TRACTION project identified slow... Read more

4i-TRACTION (2024): Ten Recommendations Towards Transformative EU Climate Policy. Infographic. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.


© German Environment Agency, Ecologic Institute, 2025

Pharmaceutical substances from creams and gels can enter wastewater when washed off after application. However, this can be reduced by first wiping your hands with a paper towel, disposing of it in the household waste, and only then washing your hands. To raise... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Umweltfreundliche Anwendung von Arzneisalben. Video. Online:

The REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest brings much-deserved recognition to solutions to the problem of food waste and encourage their spread. The purpose of this short film was to encourage social entrepreneurs, large companies, SMEs, students, NGOs and community... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2016: Food Waste Innovators wanted! REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest Call for Submissions. Animated Video. Online:

Ecologic Institute 2016: About REFRESH. Animated Video. Online:


Ecologic Institute

Infrastructure is key to the transition from a society based on fossil fuels to one that is powered by renewable energy. While most of the infrastructure planning and decision-making is done at national level, the EU has a significant coordinating role, especially in... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2023: The EU’s Climate Neutrality Challenge: Can Infrastructure be the Game Changer? Podcast. Online:…


© Ecologic Institute

The journey to net-zero emissions requires thousands of different policy interventions at all sorts of different times and across all sectors. Similarly, an orchestra is made up of many different instruments – all of which have to play the same tune at the right time!... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2023: The European Green Deal symphony: conducting the net-zero transition. Podcast. Online:

Cover Kampagnenplan

Ecologic Institut 2025

Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.

Cover des Endberichts

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.


Screenshot of a website about circular textiles. The header displays the title 'Zirkuläre Textilien' in blue and black. Below, a navigation bar includes links to 'Startseite,' 'Verbundprojekte,' 'News,' 'Veranstaltungen,' and an 'English' option. The main section contains a headline 'Zirkuläre Textilien,' a description of a funding initiative for circular economy in the textile sector, and bullet points outlining key focus areas. On the left, there is an image of a textile production process.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project website "Circular Textiles" within the networking and transfer project of the funding program "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular sustainable textiles: development of holistic, practical solutions for... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2024): Zirkuläre Textilien. Website. URL:

Screenshot of the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) website section on "Human pharmaceuticals and the environment." The page features navigation options for topics such as "For patients," "For doctors and pharmacists," "Scientific background," and "Downloads." Below, an infographic shows a crossed-out symbol over a sink and toilet, surrounded by pills, bottles, and environmental icons like fish. The text highlights the agency's mandate to educate about the environmental risks of pharmaceuticals.

© Umweltbundesamt und Ecologic Institut 2025

The Federal Environment Agency's online platform "Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment" provides information on the environmental impact of human pharmaceuticals and gives recommendations for environmentally conscious use and disposal. The aim is to minimize the... Read more

German Environment Agency (Hrsg.) 2025: Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment. Internet portal. Dessau-Roßlau. URL:

Screenshot of the MoorNet homepage

© Ecologic Institute

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the MoorNet website and embedded peatland protection database. In addition, the website offers a filterable list of peatland-related events as well as quick access to the overview of already gained knowledge. Stakeholders in... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2023): MoorNet. Website. URL:

The main objective of the platform is to provide organisational support for the German Roundtable on Marine Litter and its working groups. In addition, the public part of the platform serves public relations work and the bundling of information on marine litter. The... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2019: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll. Internet platform. URL:

Screenshot of the website

© Ecologic Institute

The Ecologic Institute designed and developed the 4i-TRACTION website. It provides information and materials on transformative policies for a climate-neutral European Union, as well as information on events. Ecologic Institute coordinates the project ... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2021): 4i-TRACTION: innovation – investment – infrastructure – integration. URL:

screenshot of the stern project website

© Ecologic Institute

Between October 2020 and June 2023, the project "Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Food System" (STErn) is developing a political roadmap for the transformation towards a sustainable food system. The STErn website was developed, implemented and designed by Ecologic... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2020: STErn – Socio-ecological Transformation of the Food System. URL:

KOPOS Website Screenshot

Ecologic Institute 2020

KOPOS addresses the question of how greater regionalization of food supply can contribute to building environmentally friendly and more resilient supply structures. The KOPOS website was developed, implemented and designed by Ecologic Institute. It serves the public... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2020: KOPOS: Neue Kooperations- und Poolingmodelle für nachhaltige Landnutzung und Nahrungsversorgung im Stadt-Land-Verbund. URL:

screenshot of the INTERLACE homepage

© Ecologic Institute

The Ecologic Institute developed the INTERLACE project website. It provides information and materials to strengthen urban ecosystem restoration in the European Union and Latin America. INTERLACE aims to strengthen cooperation, learning and peer-to-peer interactions on... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2020): INTERLACE – Restoring Urban Ecosystems. URL:

This information platform provides information for potential actors of renaturation projects. The aim of river restoration is to return rivers and streams to their natural state and to improve their ecological status. Natural and semi-natural rivers and streams have... Read more

German Environment Agency (ed.) 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern. Internetportal compiled by Kemper M., Lamberty G., Wagner F. and Zumbroich T. on behalf of the German Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau. URL:

The RECIPES website (REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders) provides an overview of the project objectives, structure and partners as well as events and news related to relevant project results. Reports, policy briefs,... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: RECIPES. Precaution – Innovation – Science. URL:

Urban Nature Atlas
So far, the Urban Nature Atlas has collected evidence on 1000 nature-based solutions (NBS) interventions. With that, it provides the most comprehensive basis for the analysis of socio-economic and innovation patterns associated with urban NBS in Europe. Ecologic... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2018: Urban Nature Atlas – NATURVATION. URL:

Projektwebsite: Plastik in der Umwelt
The Ecologic Institute designed and developed the bilingual project website "Plastic in the Environment". It contains an interactive map, which gives an overview of all funded projects. Furthermore the website provides detailed information on the projects and related... Read more

Ecologic Institut (2018): Plastic in the Environment. URL:

A newly created atlas for fish protection and downstream fish migration ("Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg"), designed and implemented by Ecologic Institute, is online since June 2016. The map indicates all the locations of measures for fish protection and... Read more

Ecologic Institut 2016: Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg. URL:

The production of food results in by-products. Instead of disposing them as waste, they can also be valorised into new products. This quiz lets you find out what new products can be made from this food waste. The player scrolls two image galleries and chooses two... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Quiz: Food Waste Valorisation. Online:

Design and Layout


© German Environment Agency, 2024

Pharmacies can order this decorative wall calendar free of charge and give it as a promotional gift to their customers. The calendar is designed as a year-independent birthday calendar in DIN A4. Each month, attractive, large photo motifs and short texts focus on a... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Arzneimittel und Umwelt. Geburtstagskalender. Online:

A visual guide titled "Der Umwelt zuliebe: Erst Wischen... dann Waschen!" showing a step-by-step process: applying ointment, wiping hands with a tissue, disposing of the tissue in a bin, and washing hands under running water.

© German Environment Agency, 2024

When using creams and gels containing pharmaceuticals, the amount of pharmaceuticals released into waste water can be reduced by first wiping your hands with a paper towel after application, which is disposed of in the household waste, and only then washing your hands.... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Der Umwelt zuliebe: Erst Wischen ... dann Waschen. Card. Online:

Cover image for a report titled "Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe." The subtitle reads "The role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets, and holistic policies." The background features a scenic rural landscape with fields and trees.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

Agriculture in the EU accounts for approximately 13% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Globally, the agri-food system is responsible for nearly a third of global emissions. Agriculture and food consumption are key drivers of biodiversity decline,... Read more

Frelih Larsen, A. et al. (2024). Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe: the role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets, and holistic policies. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-937085-37-1

Informative page by WWF on 'Water Stewardship in German Agriculture' discussing measures to increase water retention, water quality, and biodiversity. The page includes images of agricultural landscapes, machinery in a field, and a cow, complementing texts on water stewardship approaches and community collaboration. Graphs depict water stewardship practices, while logos of WWF, Ecologic Institute, and ifÖL are present, indicating collaboration.

© Copyright des WWF International
® Marke des WWF International

This poster provides a detailed insight into the new project "Water Stewardship" on behalf of WWF, which focuses on promoting water retention, water quality and biodiversity in German agriculture. The aim of this project is to strengthen resilience to climate change and... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2024: Water Stewardship in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. Anwendungsorientierte Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Wasserrückhalts, der Wasserqualität und der Biodiversität. Poster.

The image is a cover page for a report titled "State of EU progress to climate neutrality." The cover features the following elements: Title: The title "State of EU progress to climate neutrality" is prominently displayed in bold white text on a deep purple background. Subtitle: Below the title, the subtitle reads, "An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future." Date: The date "July 2024" is shown below the subtitle.

©European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) 2024

The EU is making promising progress on the road to climate neutrality but needs to keep up the pace to achieve the goal. This is the result of the second progress report by the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO), which has analysed developments in over 100... Read more

Velten, Eike Karola et al. 2024: Flagship Report: State of EU progress to climate neutrality. An indicator-based assessment across 13 building blocks for a climate neutral future. European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO).

A postcard titled "MoorNet" featuring two overlapping circles with images of a pristine peatland and a carnivorous plant (sundew). The text highlights "Support for the implementation of the national peatland protection strategy" and "Networking of peatland protection stakeholders in Germany." Cotton grass is shown at the bottom, symbolizing peatland landscapes. The focus is on conservation and stakeholder collaboration for peatland protection in Germany.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

This postcard promotes the MoorNet project, a platform for the protection of peatlands in Germany. It provides information about projects, institutions and events in the field of peatland protection and thus makes it possible to follow current developments in this area.... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2024: MoorNet. Postcard.


KOPOS project 2023

Securing agricultural land is a relevant challenge. The development of policy recommendations beyond "lessons learned" from the model phase of the KOPOS project was an important building block to conclude the first phase of the project. The results were published in the... Read more

Jakab, A.; Rogga, S.; Obersteg, A. und A. Piorr. 2023. The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! Politische Handlungsempfehlungen für das Handlungsfeld "Zugang zu Land" und "Sicherung von Land". KOPOS Policy Brief; Berlin.

Cover of the strategy paper

© Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

With the amended Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaptation Act, the state government of Baden-Württemberg has committed to updating the adaptation strategy from 2015 in 2023 due to changing climatic conditions. Additional monitoring reports every five years on... Read more

Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg (ed.) 2023: Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Baden-Württemberg. Fortschreibung.

Image of a pig silhouette made out of rice grains on a dark background, surrounded by dill herbs and walnut pieces scattered at the bottom. Include a green banner at the top with the text 'Bausteine für die Transformation zu einem nachhaltigen Ernährungssystem' in bold white font, and a smaller green banner at the bottom with the text 'Für Mensch & Umwelt' alongside the logo of 'Umweltbundesamt' on the right side.

© German Environment Agency

Germany's current food system is not sustainable. The recently concluded research project "Socio-ecological Transformation of the Food System" (in short: STErn) outlines three strategies essential for a shift towards more sustainability: a more plant-based diet, more... Read more

Hanke, G.; Brunn, C.; Jägle, J.; Jánszky, B.; Meier, J.; Mering, F. v.; Quack, D.; Wolff, F. (2023): Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System; German Environment Agency, Dessau.


© Ecologic Institute

For the project "New Cooperation for Sustainable Landuse and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas (KOPOS)", Ecologic Institute designed a ten-part postcard series. The postcard series promotes the first two episodes of the four-part KOPOS podcast series "Ernährungswende –... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: New Cooperation for Sustainable Landuse and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas (KOPOS). Ten-part postcard series.


© Ecologic Institute

As a last step of the project, the RECIPES team has developed a Guidance for application of the precautionary principle in the EU. The guidance advises on how to deal responsibly with uncertain risks in the development and implementation of technology in the EU. Target... Read more

Tjelle Holm, Niels-Kristian and Marion Dreyer (ed.) 2022: GUIDANCE on the application of the precautionary principle in the EU. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.


© Ecologic Institute 2022

For the project, "Green Deal – Big Deal? Discussing Europe's Green Future", Ecologic Institute designed a postcard series. The postcard series promotes the podcast itself and on two cards in particular the third episode Sustainability in Style: Circular fashion... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Green Deal – Big Deal? Postcard series.

Cover of the Fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen - Praxisbeispiele im Überblick" with a site map and the key messages

© Forum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg

This fact sheet introduces the "Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg" and its contents. The fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick (Fish protection and downstream fish migration measures – Practical examples at a glance)" is... Read more

Keuneke, Rita et al. 2022: Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick. Atlas für den Wissenstransfer zu Fischschutz und Fischabstieg. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH, Umweltbundesamt: Aachen, Dessau-Roßlau.


© RECIPES project

The RECIPES project aimed to develop new tools and guidelines to ensure the precautionary principle is applied while still encouraging innovation. The objective was to address and reduce societal controversy while helping policymakers and other stakeholders to assess... Read more

Policy brief series of the Horizon 2020 research project "Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES)", 2020-2022.


 © European Commission

In March 2021, two new handbooks on Evidence‐based Improvements in the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation (E-BIND) are being released. They have been the achievements of a systematic review of the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation. The core... Read more

Schmidt, A.M. & Van der Sluis, T. (2021). E-BIND Handbook (Part A): Improving the availability of data and information on species, habitats and sites. Wageningen Environmental Research/ Ecologic Institute /Milieu Ltd. Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Technological developments and trends can contribute significantly to resource conservation. However, the concrete impact of these developments and trends always depends on the social context. Here, in addition to political framework conditions, social routines,... Read more

Hackfort, Sarah, Jakob Zwiers, Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Michael Schipperges (2020). Die Zukunft im Blick: Sozio-ökonomische und sozio-kulturelle Trends der Ressourcenschonung. German Enviroment Agency, Dessau Roßlau.

In January 2019, Germany made a big step towards a coal phase-out: A stakeholder commission established by the federal government agreed on a schedule for plant retirement and on measures to support coal regions. For experts and journalists seeking to understand the... Read more

German Institute for Economic Research, Wuppertal Institute, Ecologic Institute (eds.) 2019: Phasing out Coal in the German Energy Sector. Interdependencies, Challenges and Potential Solutions.

Delicately fragranced rose blossoms. Dew drops sparkling on leaves. Buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies and a basket of homegrown fruits and aromatic herbs. Gardening is a sensual experience - a pleasure and a joy. Or, at least, as long as everything goes according to... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2016: Gartenlust statt Gartenfrust - Praxistipps zum Pflanzenschutz. UBA-Ratgeber Brochure. 32 Pages. Berlin.


Illustration of a future scenario titled "If We Finally Take Action…" depicting a sustainable landscape in 20 to 30 years. The negative scenario shows the consequences of inadequate climate protection. Plus symbols highlight different aspects of sustainable development. The graphic is created by NABU/Ecologic Institute.

© NABU/Ecologic Institute, 2025

This interactive infographic shows what the future could look like in 20 to 30 years - in two scenarios: one with resolute climate protection and another scenario that leaves everything as it is. The intention is to make the consequences of climate change more tangible... Read more

NABU 2025: Wie sehen die Folgen der Klimakrise aus? Interactive infographic. Online:

An animated infographic depicting interconnected gears representing key elements of transformative EU climate policy. The gears are color-coded to represent different themes: yellow for integration, purple for infrastructure, green for innovation, and blue for investment. Each gear is labeled with specific actions or strategies, such as "Principled priority to climate & do-no-harm principle," "Strengthen EU Integrated Infrastructure Planning," and "European Climate Investment Plan."

© Ecologic Institute 2024

The EU aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent. However, it is not on track to meet it's 2050 target and significant gaps in innovation, investment, infrastructure, and policy integration remain. The 4i-TRACTION project identified slow... Read more

4i-TRACTION (2024): Ten Recommendations Towards Transformative EU Climate Policy. Infographic. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

Poster titled 'Synergies and Strategies for Marine Protection and Climate Adaptation,' illustrating a research project on integrating marine protection and climate adaptation in coastal areas. The poster features a diagram of the Nexus approach, highlighting connections between marine protection, climate adaptation, socio-economic integration, policy, governance, and potential conflicts. Visual elements include various restoration, construction, and management measures ...

© Ecologic Institute, 2024 | CC BY 4.0

The poster ‘Synergies and Strategies for Marine Protection and Climate Adaptation’ presents key results and approaches of research on the integration of marine protection and climate adaptation. It shows how these two areas can be linked in order to effectively meet the... Read more

Fuchs, Gregory et al. 2024: Synergien und Strategien für Meersschutz und Klimaanpassung. Poster. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.

Informative poster titled 'Planning for Net Zero' with colorful illustrations depicting five key elements for effective long-term climate neutrality strategies.

© Ecologic Institute 2024

This poster conveys key content from the Ready4NetZero publication "Developing ambitious local long-term climate neutrality strategies". It outlines five key elements for effective local long-term climate neutrality strategies, including institutional and governance... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2024: Planning for Net Zero. Key Elements in Shaping Effective Local Long-term Climate Neutrality Strategies. Poster. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

Diagram illustrating the key hydrological parameters of water retention, including evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, surface runoff, infiltration, soil water retention, groundwater recharge, and discharge.

Diagram illustrating the key hydrological parameters of water retention, including evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, surface runoff, infiltration, soil water retention, groundwater recharge, and discharge.


© Ecologic Institute 2024

The infographic illustrates the key hydrological parameters that influence the water balance in ecosystems. The water cycle is illustrated, starting with precipitation through various phases such as evaporation, transpiration, surface runoff, seepage water movements and... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2024: Modell der wichtigsten hydrologischen Parameter des Wasserrückhalts. In: Stein, U., Schritt, H., Uschan, T., & Reineke, J. (2024). Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Wasserrückhalts in der Landschaft. Wasserwirtschaft, 5, 36-41.

Bar chart comparing the environmental impact of different Diclofenac pharmaceutical forms (transdermal patch, tablet, gel, and gel with wiped hands) and wastewater treatment levels (tertiary and quaternary). The chart illustrates the distribution of Diclofenac in the body, household waste, sewage sludge, filter residue, and water bodies. Key data emphasizes the influence of pharmaceutical form and wastewater treatment on environmental discharge.

CC-BY 4.0 German Environment Agency, CAU Kiel, Ecologic Institute, 2024

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical active ingredient Diclofenac can be administered in various forms of application. The discharge of the active ingredient into wastewater varies depending on the form of application. The final entry into the environment... Read more

German Environment Agency 2023: Diclofenac: Influence of the Pharmaceutical Form and Wastewater Treatment on the Discharge into the Environment. Online:

An infographic titled "Correct disposal of leftover drugs" shows a map of Germany indicating recommended disposal options for expired or unused medicines by region. The options include domestic waste, mobile hazardous waste units or recycling centers, and pharmacies. A green sidebar advises against disposing of medicines in toilets or sinks to protect water bodies.

CC-BY 4.0 German Environment Agency, DECHEMA, Ecologic Institute 2023

The improper disposal of (used) pharmaceuticals via the toilet and sink is still one of the largest avoidable ways in which pharmaceuticals enter the environment. This infographic therefore provides information on the correct disposal of leftover pharmaceuticals in... Read more

German Environment Agency 2023: Correct Disposal of Leftover Drugs! Infographic. Online:

Illustration of multifunctional measures for urban infrastructure that combine water retention and greening. It shows green roofs, green facades, photovoltaic systems, permeable pavements, deep beds with retention space, multifunctional retention areas and a cistern for rainwater utilization. Benefits include improved air quality, noise reduction, heat reduction and resource conservation. Source: Ecologic Institute and Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment.

Multifunctional measures (blue-green-gray infrastructure)


Ecologic Institute and Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg. In: „Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Baden-Württemberg – Fortschreibung“

Ecologic Institute conceived and designed several infographics for the update of the Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Baden-Württemberg. These visualise some of the thematised climate impacts on the various fields of action and support the understanding of... Read more

Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Energy Baden-Württemberg (Ed.) (2023). Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Baden-Württemberg: Fortschreibung. Infographic Series.

The infographic summarizes the results of the report "The nature – climate change – mental health nexus: A literature review."

© Ecologic Institute 2023, CC BY 4.0

The complex interactions between nature, climate change, and mental health are being increasingly explored amid increasing environmental challenges facing society. This infographic summarizes the key findings of the report "The Nature – Climate Change – Mental Health... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2023: Nature – climate change – mental health: A summary of key linkages. Infographic CC BY 4.0

Graphic presenting the key figures of the Urban Governance Atlas at the time of launch.

© Ecologic Institute

The INTERLACE Urban Governance Atlas was launched in 2023. It invites political decision-makers, urban planners, researchers, civil society organizations, and all interested parties to delve into the success stories of 250 political instruments from 41 countries.... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2023: Urban Governance Atlas. Infographic. English and Spanish.

Body proportion based* bar spacing for racks to prevent fish passage into high-risk areas

CC BY 4.0 Ecologic Institute and IGF Jena 2023

This infographic shows, color-coded for the three developmental stages of domestic fish, body proportion-based bar spacing of rakes that can prevent fish from swimming into the high-risk areas. The infographic is published under a creative commons license CC BY 4.0.... Read more

Ecologic Institute and IGF Jena 2023: Body proportion based* bar spacing for racks to prevent fish passage into high-risk areas. Infographic.

gif file announcing the forum's end

© Ecologic Institute 2022

This animated graphic informs visitors to the Forum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg website about the end of the project. The infographic is published under a creative commons license CC BY 4.0. That means it can be copied and redistributed in any medium or format and... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Das Forum Fischschutz & Fischabstieg ist vorbei. Animated graphic. Online:

Infographic "Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen"

CC-BY 4.0 Ecologic Institute 2022

The discussion about possible alternatives to conventional pesticides has gained momentum with the announcement of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The European Commission proposes a 50 percent reduction in synthetic and hazardous pesticides by 2030. But what are possible... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen. Infographic CC-BY 4.0.

This infographic shows approaches and preconditions so that food can be comprehensively utilized by consumers. Another infographic provides information on various reasons why eatable parts of food are thrown away.

© Ecologic Institute 2021, CC BY 4.0

Most food waste is generated in private households. These infographics show causes and reasons for waste by consumers as well as approaches and preconditions so that food can be comprehensively utilized by consumers. The infographics are licensed under a Creative... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2021: Problem- und Lösungsbaum zur umfassenden Verwertung von Lebensmitteln. Infographics.

This infographic presents the flowchart of a Citizen Science action against food waste and its steps for participants.

© Ecologic Institute 2021, CC BY-ND 4.0

Most food waste is generated in private households. During a before-and-after survey from May to October 2022, participants in this citizen science action measured their own kitchen waste. The data was analyzed by the research team to evaluate the effectiveness of the... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2021: Deine Lebensmittelreste unter der Lupe der Wissenschaft. Infographic.

Bar chart: For Which Textile Products Could Obligatory Design Requirements Be Introduced First?

© Ecologic Institute

This animated infographic visualizes results of the survey "Fostering textile fibre recycling in Europe – pointers for policy action", conducted by Ecologic Institute in 2021. You can download a print version of the infographic. The infographic is licensed under a... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2021: For which textile products could obligatory design requirements be introduced first? Animated Infographic CC-BY. Online:

Schema (top view) of the three functions of a fish protection system: blocking, guiding, transferring.

© Ecologic Institute, IGF Jena 2021 | CC BY 4.0

This schema shows the three functions of a fish protection system: blocking, guiding, transferring. A screen with the function of a fish protection screen always forms a functional unit with the mandatory bypass as an alternative downstream migration corridor in the... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2021: Functions of a Fish Protection System. Infographic published in: Wagner, Falko 2021: What makes a screen to a fish protection screen? The functional components of a fish protection system. Jena: Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Fish Biology, IGF Jena.

Infographic 2019 Planning and Implementation of Restoration Projects

Planning and Implementation of Restoration Projects


CC BY-ND 4.0 Umweltbundesamt 2019

The project schedule for river restoration projects can vary greatly. This flow chart shows the most important project steps. Natural river development is a complex undertaking. A well-structured planning management creates the prerequisites for a balanced solution and... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2019): Planning and implementation of restoration projects. Infographic. Online:

This infographic compares the environmental effects of meat and soy products. It visualises that, with the same protein content, considerably more land, water and fossil energy is used for the production of meat than for the production of soy-based vegetable products.... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Meat and Soy Products: Comparison of environmental effects. Infographic.



© German Environment Agency, Ecologic Institute, 2025

The correct regional disposal routes for leftover medicines are visualized in a map of German districts and independent cities (source:, as of March 2023). In some cases, several disposal routes are offered within a single district or... Read more

German Environment Agency, 2024: Entsorgung von Arzneimitteln. Video. Online:


© German Environment Agency, Ecologic Institute, 2025

Pharmaceutical substances from creams and gels can enter wastewater when washed off after application. However, this can be reduced by first wiping your hands with a paper towel, disposing of it in the household waste, and only then washing your hands. To raise... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Umweltfreundliche Anwendung von Arzneisalben. Video. Online:


© Ecologic Institute

What exactly is the European Green Deal? Which role does it play in our everyday life? And what challenges does it pose? In our podcast and webinar series "Green deal – Big Deal?" we take a critical look at these questions and discuss various aspects of the European... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Green Deal – Big Deal? Listen now: Video.


© Ecologic Institute

Most packaging for many consumer goods is thrown away after a very short period of use. In Germany, plastic packaging accounts for the largest share of plastic waste at almost 60%. How can the amount of packaging be reduced? Where exactly does the packaging waste occur?... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Plastikverpackungen sinnvoll vermeiden. Video. Online:


© Ecologic Institute

The two-year "Soil Mission Support: Towards a European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Soils and Land Management" project supported the European Union's A Soil Deal for Europe mission on soil health and nutrition and the European Green Deal to facilitate the... Read more

Ecologic Institute, INRAE 2022: Transition Towards Healthy Soils Through Living Labs and Lighthouses. Video. Online:


© Ecologic Institute

DG CLIMA and the EEA have partnered to create Climate-ADAPT. By allowing users to access and exchange data and information on anticipated climate change in Europe, the platform helps Europe adapt to climate change. Ecologic Institute developed 3 video tutorials on... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Video tutorials on the use of Climate-ADAPT. 3 videos. Online:…


© Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG

This info film shows in seven minutes how to use the Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG's database. How to make a request, what types of procedures there are and how a procedure is carried out at the Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG. The film was produced by Ecologic Institute. ... Read more

Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG 2022: Infofilm der Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG.

In 2019, the European research project REFRESH has come to an end. The video provides an overview of the food waste situation in the EU explaining the most relevant challenges and how these have been addressed by the project with regard to three focus areas: a)... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Research Against Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

This video introduces potential actors to river restoration. It includes interviews with project managers of river restoration measures across Germany. Core topics of the video include: advantages of near-natural rivers funding for river restoration using... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern in Deutschland. Video. Online:

Audio Podcasts


Ecologic Institute

Infrastructure is key to the transition from a society based on fossil fuels to one that is powered by renewable energy. While most of the infrastructure planning and decision-making is done at national level, the EU has a significant coordinating role, especially in... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2023: The EU’s Climate Neutrality Challenge: Can Infrastructure be the Game Changer? Podcast. Online:…


© Ecologic Institute

How do we classify which investments are the right ones to power the transition to a climate and nature-friendly economy? This is a pretty big question, and one that is crucial to a successful implementation of the European Green Deal. The EU taxonomy – the subject of... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Fifty shades of green: sustainable finance and the EU taxonomy. Podcast. Online:


Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

The fact that the food system change towards more sustainable products does not lie solely with the consumers becomes clear when looking at the political framework conditions at German national and EU level. Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, ... Read more

Ecologic Institute, 2022: Gutes Essen für alle! Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht (4/4). Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 21 January 2022. Online:…


© Ecologic Institute

Everybody who loves the sea has a story to share. In the podcast "If Oceans Could Speak", scientists and experts from different fields, scholars and sailors, artists and activists share their stories about the oceans around us, their value and vulnerability. This... Read more

EU4Ocean Coalition 2021: If Oceans Could Speak: A podcast about the sea and its people.


© Naturvation

Living in a neighborhood with lots of trees will make you live longer… or will it? Urban nature is said to bring diverse health, social, economic and environmental benefits to cities and their populations. Understanding the scale of and access to these benefits is... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2020: Urban Trees and Gardens: How Good Are They Really for You?. Creating Green Cities. Podcast. 13 July 2020. Online:


©Yvonne Bogdanski|

The EU is to be climate-neutral by 2050. In March 2020, the European Commission presented its draft law, which for the first time legally anchors the goal of climate neutrality. This is a milestone in climate protection policy. Ursula von der Leyen even compared this... Read more

Ecologic Institute, 2020: Großer Schritt für die Menschen in Europa?. Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 16 March 2020. Online:

Communication Strategies

Cover Kampagnenplan

Ecologic Institut 2025

Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.

Cover ZirTeNet Websitekonzept

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie 2024: ZirTeNet: Websitekonzept - Planung der Informationsarchitektur von Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2024: ZirTeNet: Websitekonzept - Planung der Informationsarchitektur von Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished.

Cover des Endberichts

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.

Cover MoorNet Kommunikationsstrategie

Ecologic Institut 2023

Lehmann, Karl, Melanie Kemper, Rebecca Noebel & Jennifer Reck 2023: Kommunikationskonzept MoorNet - Kommunikation zur Umsetzung der nationalen Moorschutzstrategie  und Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland. Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished... Read more

Lehmann, Karl, Melanie Kemper, Rebecca Noebel & Jennifer Reck 2023: Kommunikationskonzept MoorNet - Kommunikation zur Umsetzung der nationalen Moorschutzstrategie  und Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland. Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished

Cover ECNO Website Concept

© Ecologic Institute 2023

This document drafts a concept of the information architecture and user interface of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) website. It served to develop a common vision of the website and its data structure within the project team. Based on this concept... Read more

Kemper, Melanie and Eike K. Velten (2023): ECNO Website Concept - Planning the user interface and information architecture of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory's website. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.

Cover of the publication "Kemper, Melanie, Jan-Erik Thie 2021: Website Concept for 4I-Traction. Berlin, July 2021, unpublished."

© Ecologic Institute

Kemper, Melanie, Jan-Erik Thie 2021: Website Concept for 4i-TRACTION. Berlin, July 2021, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Jan-Erik Thie 2021: Website Concept for 4I-Traction. Berlin, July 2021, unpublished.

Cover: Final report on dissemination and exploitation of REFRESH results
The success of the communication and dissemination activities and the public outreach of the REFRESH project significantly outpaced expectations and achievements of comparable EU research projects. Key highlights are: REFRESH website: The project's website ... Read more

Wunder, Stephanie; Kemper, Melanie; Pätzke, Franka; Bygrave, Kate; 2019: Final report on dissemination and exploitation of REFRESH results. Report of the REFRESH project. Deliverable 7.2.

UBA TEXTE 115/2018
This final report contains the interim results of a project on communication strategies for reducing agriculture-related entry of veterinary pharmaceuticals into the environment. It describes: the results of a literature study on the state of research on... Read more

Kemper, Melanie et. al. 2018: Kommunikationsstrategien zur Verminderung von Tierarzneimitteleinträgen aus der Landwirtschaft in die Umwelt. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

Cover Website Concept River Restoration 2017

Ecologic Institut

Kemper, Melanie, Georg Lamberty, Falko Wagner 2017: Informationsplattform Gewässerrenaturierung – Website Konzept, Berlin, September 2017, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Georg Lamberty, Falko Wagner 2017: Informationsplattform Gewässerrenaturierung – Website Konzept, Berlin, September 2017, unpublished.

Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft"
Kemper, Melanie, Karl Lehmann, Saraniya Nageswaran 2017: Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft". Berlin, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Karl Lehmann, Saraniya Nageswaran 2017: Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft". Berlin, unpublished.

All publications on Communication