Ecologic Institute's goal is to promote sustainable change through research and education. This requires an intensive exchange between science, policy-makers, and civil society.
Ecologic Institute's communications team has expertise in knowledge management, public relations, information design, web development, and event management. Based on thoughtful communication strategies, online and offline communication are combined and tailored to reach specific target audiences. The aim is to give research results attention and public relevance. A wide range of communication options and formats are used, such as websites and web applications, surveys, print products (e.g. policy briefs, brochures, flyers, posters, postcards), infographics, video, and audio podcasts. Participative events are organized and realized in various formats, such as webinars and workshops for experts, conferences with more than 1000 participants, study tours on environmental policy or international training courses.
Close cooperation with the scientific teams as well as many years of experience in communicating environmental policy issues ensure the appropriate selection of target groups, content, and communication formats for each project. Ecologic Institute's communications team supports and uses the principles of open source, open access, open data, and creative commons.
Related Topics
Selected Projects for Communication
Implementation of the National Peatland Protection Strategy (MoorNet)
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- Funding
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany
Climate Adaptation Naturally!
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- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
International Cooperation to Restore and Connect Urban Environments in Latin America and Europe (INTERLACE)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Information and Teaching Materials for an Environmentally Conscious Use of Pharmaceuticals
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Transformative Policies for a Climate-neutral European Union (4i-TRACTION)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Using Urban Development Funding to Promote Biodiversity (BioVibeS)
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- Funding
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany
Green Deal – Big Deal? Discussing Europe's Green Future
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- Funding
European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)
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- Funding
European Climate Foundation (ECF), International
Sustainable Management: Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Food System
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- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Internet Platform Marine Litter
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- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Reduction of Food Waste in Private Households in Germany
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- Funding
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany
Third Cycle of the German Participatory Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration
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- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Promoting Climate-ADAPT for Better Knowledge Sharing on Climate Adaptation
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- Funding
European Environment Agency (EEA), International
The EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy
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European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisherie), International
Information Platform for the Restoration of Rivers
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Nature Based Urban Innovation (NATURVATION)
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European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Coal Exit in Germany
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Projektträger Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich (PtJ), Germany
Selected Publications for Communication
Ecologic Institute (2023): MoorNet. Website. URL:
Hanke, G.; Brunn, C.; Jägle, J.; Jánszky, B.; Meier, J.; Mering, F. v.; Quack, D.; Wolff, F. (2023): Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System; German Environment Agency, Dessau.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen. Infographic CC-BY 4.0.
Ecologic Institute 2016: Food Waste Innovators wanted! REFRESH Food Waste Solution Contest Call for Submissions. Animated Video. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2016: About REFRESH. Animated Video. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2023: The European Green Deal symphony: conducting the net-zero transition. Podcast. Online:
Kemper, Melanie and Eike K. Velten (2023): ECNO Website Concept - Planning the user interface and information architecture of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory's website. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.
Ecologic Institute (2023): MoorNet. Website. URL:
Ecologic Institute (2021): 4i-TRACTION: innovation – investment – infrastructure – integration. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2021: Green Deal – Big Deal?. URL:
Ecologic Institut (2021): ETS Training and Capacity Building. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2020: STErn – Socio-ecological Transformation of the Food System. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2020: KOPOS: Neue Kooperations- und Poolingmodelle für nachhaltige Landnutzung und Nahrungsversorgung im Stadt-Land-Verbund. URL:
Ecologic Institute (2020): INTERLACE – Restoring Urban Ecosystems. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2020: Ecornet Berlin – Ecological Research Network.
Ecologic Institut (2020):Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!. URL:
Umweltbundesamt 2019: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll. Internet platform. URL:
German Environment Agency (ed.) 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern. Internetportal compiled by Kemper M., Lamberty G., Wagner F. and Zumbroich T. on behalf of the German Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2019: RECIPES. Precaution – Innovation – Science. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2018: Urban Nature Atlas – NATURVATION. URL:
Ecologic Institut (2018): Plastic in the Environment. URL:
Ecologic Institut 2016: Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg. URL:
Ecologic Institute 2019: Quiz: Food Waste Valorisation. Online:
Design and Layout
Jakab, A.; Rogga, S.; Obersteg, A. und A. Piorr. 2023. The BIG FIVE – Regionale Ernährung und Flächenentwicklung zusammendenken! Politische Handlungsempfehlungen für das Handlungsfeld "Zugang zu Land" und "Sicherung von Land". KOPOS Policy Brief; Berlin.
Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg (ed.) 2023: Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Baden-Württemberg. Fortschreibung.
Hanke, G.; Brunn, C.; Jägle, J.; Jánszky, B.; Meier, J.; Mering, F. v.; Quack, D.; Wolff, F. (2023): Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System; German Environment Agency, Dessau.
Ecologic Institute 2022: New Cooperation for Sustainable Landuse and Food Supply in Urban-Rural Areas (KOPOS). Ten-part postcard series.
Tjelle Holm, Niels-Kristian and Marion Dreyer (ed.) 2022: GUIDANCE on the application of the precautionary principle in the EU. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Green Deal – Big Deal? Postcard series.
Keuneke, Rita et al. 2022: Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick. Atlas für den Wissenstransfer zu Fischschutz und Fischabstieg. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH, Umweltbundesamt: Aachen, Dessau-Roßlau.
Policy brief series of the Horizon 2020 research project "Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES)", 2020-2022.
Schmidt, A.M. & Van der Sluis, T. (2021). E-BIND Handbook (Part A): Improving the availability of data and information on species, habitats and sites. Wageningen Environmental Research/ Ecologic Institute /Milieu Ltd. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Hackfort, Sarah, Jakob Zwiers, Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Michael Schipperges (2020). Die Zukunft im Blick: Sozio-ökonomische und sozio-kulturelle Trends der Ressourcenschonung. German Enviroment Agency, Dessau Roßlau.
German Institute for Economic Research, Wuppertal Institute, Ecologic Institute (eds.) 2019: Phasing out Coal in the German Energy Sector. Interdependencies, Challenges and Potential Solutions.
Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2016: Gartenlust statt Gartenfrust - Praxistipps zum Pflanzenschutz. UBA-Ratgeber Brochure. 32 Pages. Berlin.
Ecologic Institute 2023: Nature – climate change – mental health: A summary of key linkages. Infographic CC BY 4.0
Ecologic Institute 2023: Urban Governance Atlas. Infographic. English and Spanish.
Ecologic Institute and IGF Jena 2023: Body proportion based* bar spacing for racks to prevent fish passage into high-risk areas. Infographic.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Das Forum Fischschutz & Fischabstieg ist vorbei. Animated graphic. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2022: Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen. Infographic CC-BY 4.0.
Ecologic Institute (2022): Ecologic Institute from a Personal Perspective. Infographic. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2021: Problem- und Lösungsbaum zur umfassenden Verwertung von Lebensmitteln. Infographics.
Ecologic Institute 2021: Deine Lebensmittelreste unter der Lupe der Wissenschaft. Infographic.
Ecologic Institute 2021: For which textile products could obligatory design requirements be introduced first? Animated Infographic CC-BY. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2021: Functions of a Fish Protection System. Infographic published in: Wagner, Falko 2021: What makes a screen to a fish protection screen? The functional components of a fish protection system. Jena: Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Fish Biology, IGF Jena.
Umweltbundesamt (2019): Planning and implementation of restoration projects. Infographic. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2019: Meat and Soy Products: Comparison of environmental effects. Infographic.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Green Deal – Big Deal? Listen now: Video.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Plastikverpackungen sinnvoll vermeiden. Video. Online:
Ecologic Institute, INRAE 2022: Transition Towards Healthy Soils Through Living Labs and Lighthouses. Video. Online:
Ecologic Institute 2022: Video tutorials on the use of Climate-ADAPT. 3 videos. Online:…
Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG 2022: Infofilm der Clearingstelle EEG|KWKG.
Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern in Deutschland. Video. Online:
Audio Podcasts
Ecologic Institute 2023: The EU’s Climate Neutrality Challenge: Can Infrastructure be the Game Changer? Podcast. Online:…
Ecologic Institute 2022: Fifty shades of green: sustainable finance and the EU taxonomy. Podcast. Online:
Ecologic Institute, 2022: Gutes Essen für alle! Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht (4/4). Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 21 January 2022. Online:…
EU4Ocean Coalition 2021: If Oceans Could Speak: A podcast about the sea and its people.
Ecologic Institute 2020: Urban Trees and Gardens: How Good Are They Really for You?. Creating Green Cities. Podcast. 13 July 2020. Online:
Ecologic Institute, 2020: Großer Schritt für die Menschen in Europa?. Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. 16 March 2020. Online:
Communication Strategies
Kemper, Melanie and Eike K. Velten (2023): ECNO Website Concept - Planning the user interface and information architecture of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory's website. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.
Kemper, Melanie, Jan-Erik Thie 2021: Website Concept for 4I-Traction. Berlin, July 2021, unpublished.
Mazzetti, Chiara, Karl Lehmann 2019: RECIPES Dissemination and Communication Plan. Berlin, unpublished.
Lehmann, Karl, Chiara Mazzetti 2019: Concept for the RECIPES Web Platform Berlin, unpublished.
Kemper, Melanie, Christian Bruhn 2019: Kurzkonzept für den Relaunch der Internetplattform Meeresmüll – Berlin, unpublished.
Wunder, Stephanie; Kemper, Melanie; Pätzke, Franka; Bygrave, Kate; 2019: Final report on dissemination and exploitation of REFRESH results. Report of the REFRESH project. Deliverable 7.2.
Kemper, Melanie et. al. 2018: Kommunikationsstrategien zur Verminderung von Tierarzneimitteleinträgen aus der Landwirtschaft in die Umwelt. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.
Lehmann, Karl, Melanie Kemper 2017: Website-Konzept für die Fördermaßnahme "Plastik in der Umwelt" Berlin, unpublished.
Kemper, Melanie, Georg Lamberty, Falko Wagner 2017: Informationsplattform Gewässerrenaturierung – Website Konzept, Berlin, September 2017, unpublished.
Kemper, Melanie, Karl Lehmann, Saraniya Nageswaran 2017: Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft". Berlin, unpublished.