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Please donate and help us save the planet!

The Ecologic Institute is not-for-profit private organisation acting in the public interest. It has no endowment or core support from any government, business or foundation. It works independently and finances itself from its projects.

Our future is at stake. Ecologic Institute develops policy relevant solutions for local and global problems. As an environmental think tank, we are working passionately towards a clean, climate friendly, resource efficient world. In this world, we live a good life within the planetary boundaries: Global warming is limited to well below 2°C, & biodiversity, our seas and soils are protected effectively. In creating the world we want to live in, we also need to address the social dimensions.

With your donations, we can help to protect the environment and our common future in addition to our project work. You also help us to remain independent financially and thus politically. Please help us strengthening the environmental agenda, and support our other activities, notably international exchanges and the mobility of young professionals.

Tax benefits

Donations to the Ecologic Institute can help you save taxes.

  • Are you a tax-payer in Germany? Click here for further information (in German only)
  • Are you a tax-payer in another country? Then please contact us by telephone (+49 30 86880-0) or send us an email; we will find out whether your donation is tax deductible.

Choose the Cause

You can choose the cause you wish to support with your donation to the Ecologic Institute. Depending on your choice, we will allocate your donation to one of the fund we have established and manage separately:

  • Publications, to support publishing our work results in books, policy briefs or by other means
  • International Exchange, to support mobility and learning for young researchers (Fellowships and Scholarships) and students (Internships). All donations received for this purpose are transferred to our Konrad von Moltke Fund.
  • Biological Diversity and Nature Based Solutions, to promote our work to protect the planetary boundaries and develop forward looking solutions
  • Global Environmental Policy, to support multilateral policy and institutions, for instance on climate, agriculture, food, or the marine environment
  • Europe's Environment, to support the integration of environmental concerns into other policies and their implementation
  • Globalization and International Trade, to support work on trade and development, and international economic policies
  • Ecologic Legal, to support the further development of environmental law, including international law
  • Art and Sustainability, for strengthening our research and outreach in this field
  • Independent Research, to support Ecologic Institute's research in accordance with our statutes

Please contact us if you wish to support a particular cause or project that is not on the list above.

Donations to the Ecologic Institute are not used for contract work, but may be used to co-finance projects supported by grants from foundations, businesses or governments.

Ecologic Institute

Pfalzburger Strasse 43/44

10717 Berlin


Tel. +49 (30) 86880-0

Fax +49 (30) 86880-100