In the context of this project an information platform was developed to share information about the restoration of rivers including examples of selected restoration projects. The aim of the information platform is to increase attention and acceptance for restoration measures and communicate their need and benefits. The information platform is also intended to assist the German Federal States in their communication with bodies and organizations involved in river restoration. The potential stakeholders involved in hydromorphological improvements and the restoration of rivers include municipalities and watercourse associations.
The German information platform offers information on:
- Planning and implementing river restoration projects,
- Synergies of river restoration (e. g. nature conservation, flood protection, recreation, climate change adaptation)
- ten project examples across Germany where a wide variety of measures were implemented.
Four free infographics illustrate the information:
- Measures for River Restoration
- Planning and Implementation of Restoration Projects
- River Restoration in the Context of Different Interests
- Funding for River Restoration
An explanatory film introduces potential stakeholders and actors into the topic of river and stream restoration in Germany.
River restoration projects across Germany are presented and explained in ten short films:
- Revitalisation of River Hase's Floodplains in Cooperation with Farmers
- Increasing Nature Experience of the Ruhr in the Town of Arnsberg
- Systematic river development on the Wern
- Land Management and River Restoration at the River Nebel
- Restoration and Technical Flood Protection at the River Helme
- Continuity and Habitats for the River Ahr's fish
- Restoration Measures at the River Inn in Cooperation with Hydropower, the Free State of Bavaria and Fishing Associations
- Improving Water Ecology of the River Murg in Rastatt
- Natural Flood Protection on the Fulda River
- Return of Otter, Salmon and Spotted Crake at the Wümme
An English excerpt of the online platform on river restoration is available online.
Furthermore, the project investigates to which extent the UBA method for the evaluation of river restoration measures ("Erfolgskontrolle von Fließgewässerrenaturierungen" UBA Texte 43/2014 [pdf, 7.8 MB, German]) is known and how it is used by practictioners.