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Renaturierung des Inn in Kooperation von Wasserkraftunternehmen, Freistaat und Fischereivereinen


Renaturierung des Inn in Kooperation von Wasserkraftunternehmen, Freistaat und Fischereivereinen

Restoration of the Inn in Cooperation with Hydropower, Bavaria and Fishing Associations


Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung des Inn in Kooperation von Wasserkraftunternehmen, Freistaat und Fischereivereinen. Video. Online:

Technical flood protection and the use of hydropower have heavily modified the river Inn. Fish hardly find their vital habitats here. The local hydropower company restructures the river banks, creates alternative habitats and promotes biodiversity in the floodplain. The measures are implemented in close cooperation with the Free State of Bavaria and local authorities and interest groups.

This video explains restoration measures at the river Inn. The actors share their experiences in interviews. The video is part of a series of ten videos on river restoration projects in Germany, which were created for the information portal river restoration of the German Federal Environment Agency (

A restoration strategy has been developed to promote structures and habitats for all life stages of the river Inn's native fish species.


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Interview partners: Georg Loy (VERBUND Innkraftwerke), Manfred Holzner (Büro für Gewässerökologie und Fischbiologie), Ralf Schindlmayr (Ingenieurbüro Aquasoli), Fabian Szantho von Radnoth (Dr. H. M. Schober – Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitektur mbH)

Script, Direction: Georg Lamberty (Planungsbüro Zumbroich)

Production: Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute)

Scientific Advice: Stephan Naumann (Umweltbundesamt), Falko Wagner (Institut für Gewässerökologie und Fischereibiologie Jena)

Camera, Cutting, Sound: Marco Linke (Medieningenieurbüro Manntau)

Speaker: Julia Gruber

Music: TimCat – Wedding (Envato Market)

Cutting: Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

Published in
UBA online portal River Restoration
4:45 min
Project ID
restoration, watercourse, hydromorphology, water framework direction, WFD, 2027
Germany, Inn
online, information platform, internet, website, infographic, video