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Information Platform on River Restoration


Information Platform on River Restoration


German Environment Agency (ed.) 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern. Internetportal compiled by Kemper M., Lamberty G., Wagner F. and Zumbroich T. on behalf of the German Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau. URL:

This information platform provides information for potential actors of renaturation projects. The aim of river restoration is to return rivers and streams to their natural state and to improve their ecological status. Natural and semi-natural rivers and streams have many advantages, e.g:

  • They increase the quality of life as landscape-forming elements in urban and rural areas.
  • They reduce the risk of flooding for downstream users.
  • They provide habitats for numerous plant and animal species.
  • They support the degradation of environmentally harmful substances (e.g. waste water, fertilisers).
  • They contribute to adaptation to global climate change.

The German information platform offers information in 25 articles on:

An explanatory film introduces the topic, ten river restoration projects are presented in short vides and photos. Four free infographics illustrate the topics of planning, financing, participation and selection of measures.

The information platform is aimed at towns and municipalities, water management authorities, water bodies associations, fishing associations and citizens' groups.


More content from this project

Dr. Georg Lamberty,(Planungsbüro Zumbroich)
Dr. Falko Wagner,(IGF Jena)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zumbroich (Planungsbüro Zumbroich)

Editors: Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute), Stephan Naumann (Umweltbundesamt)

Content Management: Ilka Merbold (Ecologic Institute)

Design Infographics: Lena Aebli, Ruth Haake (Ecologic Institute)

Camera, Sound: Marco Linke (Medieningenieurbüro Manntau)

Cutting Explanatory Film: Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

Cutting Project Films: Marco Linke (Medieningenieurbüro Manntau)


Published in
UBA online portal River Restoration
Project ID
participation, cooperation, measures, restoration, river, hydromorphology, Water Framework Directive, WFD, ecology, nature conservation, urban water management, agriculture, energy, recreation, tourism, monument conservation
online, information platform, internet, website, infographic, video