Flächenmanagement und Gewässeraufwertung an der Nebel
Land Management and River Restoration at the River Nebel
- Publication
- Citation
Umweltbundesamt 2019: Flächenmanagement und Gewässeraufwertung an der Nebel. Video. Online: https://youtu.be/LDcmmrWAdbM
Long-term land management enabled extensive restoration of the river Nebel in Mecklenburg. In the lowland areas, construction measures were necessary because there is not enough flow velocity for a self-dynamic development. Restoration also increased ecosystem services such as carbon storage and landscape cooling.
This video explains restoration measures at the river Nebel. The actors share their experiences in interviews. The video is part of a series of ten videos on river restoration projects in Germany, which were created for the information portal river restoration of the German Federal Environment Agency (uba.de/renaturierung).