Lena Aebli
Visual Designer
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Lena Aebli works as a visual designer for the Ecologic Institute. Her work focuses on graphic, illustration and motion design. She supports the scientific, policy-related environmental work of the Institute with her expertise in graphic design and illustration of digital and print media. Lena Aebli works in German and English.
Lena Aebli's main interest lies in communication via videos and animated infographics. She was responsible for the creative implementation of the film production "Traces in the Arctic" (Spuren in der Arktis) of the research project "Environmental Guidelines for a German Arctic Policy" for the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). She drew and animated a 4-minute explanatory film, that was premiered at the Natural History Museum in Berlin for the conference of the Arctic science ministers in 2018. For the UBA "Information Platform on River Restoration", implemented by Ecologic Institute, she was responsible for the video editing of a documentation that informs potential stakeholders about implementation options and developed (interactive) infographics. In the European research project "Resource-efficient use of food in the entire supply chain (REFRESH)", Lena Aebli was responsible for the video editing, sound recording and animation of four project films. With animated images for the REFRESH website and various social media channels, she also supported the public relations work of the project. She designed the interactive infographics "Sustainable ideas for everyday life" for the project "Scientific coordination of the funding measure Sustainable Management (NaWiKo)", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Before working as an in-house designer at Ecologic Institute, Lena Aebli worked as camerawoman and cutter, producing brochures, flyers and posters for various agencies and private clients, including Die Junge Akademie and 365 Grad Sherpas.
Lena Aebli completed her preliminary course at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich in Switzerland and studied visual communication at the Universität der Künste in Berlin from 2000 to 2005.
Contact Lena Aebli by Email
Selected publications by Lena Aebli
Hanke, G.; Brunn, C.; Jägle, J.; Jánszky, B.; Meier, J.; Mering, F. v.; Quack, D.; Wolff, F. (2023): Components for the Transformation towards a Sustainable Food System; German Environment Agency, Dessau.
Ecologic Institute 2023: Urban Governance Atlas. Infographic. English and Spanish.
Ecologic Institute, INRAE 2022: Transition Towards Healthy Soils Through Living Labs and Lighthouses. Video. Online: https://youtu.be/4HchOcfENVYhttps://vimeo.com/user89951999
Video & Animation
Ecologic Institute 2021: Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions. Video. Online: https://youtu.be/HlPZ8AMq448
Federal Environment Agency 2018: Spuren in der Arktis. Animated Video. Online: https://youtu.be/02C5sN98-RU.
Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern in Deutschland. Video. Online: https://youtu.be/PEhVHyFBu-k

Are microplastics harmful? The ecotoxicological assessment of microplastics in the environment is a complex task
|© Ecologic Institute 2022, CC-BY 4.0
Ecologic Institute (2022): Plastics in the Environment. Are microplastics harmful? Infographic CC-BY 4.0. Online: https://bmbf-plastik.de/en/publication/are-microplastics-harmful
Umweltbundesamt (2019): Measures for river restoration. Infographic. Online: uba.de/massrenat
NABU 2025: Wie sehen die Folgen der Klimakrise aus? Interactive infographic. Online: https://www.nabu.de/umwelt-und-ressourcen/klima-und-luft/klimawandel/
Umweltbundesamt (2019): Funding for river restoration. Infographic. Online: uba.de/finrenat
Umweltbundesamt (2019): Planning and implementation of restoration projects. Infographic. Online: uba.de/planrenat
Umweltbundesamt (2019): River restoration in the context of different interests. Infographic. Online: uba.de/partrenat
Ecologic Institute 2019: Nachhaltige Ideen für den Alltag. Interactive Infographic. Online: https://nachhaltigeswirtschaften-soef.de/nachhaltige-ideen-fuer-den-all…
Federal Environment Agency 2018: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Postcard.
Federal Environment Agency 2018: Cooles neues Handy? Postcard.
Federal Environment Agency 2018: Sind wir noch zu retten? Postcard.
Umweltbundesamt (2018): Für den Erhalt der Arktis.Wie kann Deutschland dazu beitragen? Flyer.
Ecologic Institute (2019): Plastik in der Umwelt. Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze. Statuskonferenz 09./10. April 2019, Kalkscheune, Berlin. Programm. Flyer
Web Application
Ecologic Institute 2020: Quiz: Plastic in the environment – What do you know? Online: quiz.bmbf-plastik.de
Ecologic Institute 2022: It's Electric! The future of mobility in Europe. Green Deal – Big Deal?. Podcast. 9 May 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io
Ecologic Institute 2022: From packaging to microplastics: unwrapping EU plastics policies. Podcast. 17 October 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io/6-plastic
Ecologic Institute 2022: Beating the heat: Europe prepares for climate change impacts. Podcast. 2 September 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io
Ecologic Institute 2022: Fifty shades of green: sustainable finance and the EU taxonomy. Podcast. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io/7-sustainable-finance
Ecologic Institute 2023: The European Green Deal symphony: conducting the net-zero transition. Podcast. Online: https://www.greendealbigdeal.eu/podcast/episode-8/
Ecologic Institute 2022: Farm to Fork: feeding a continent without wrecking a planet . Podcast. 2 August 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io
Ecologic Institute 2023: Europe's race to renewables – cheaper, vaster, faster. Online: https://www.greendealbigdeal.eu/podcast/episode-11/
Ecologic Institute 2023: What is the role of innovation in making the EU climate neutral? Podcast. Online: https://www.4i-traction.eu/outputs/podcast-series-episode-2-innovation
Ecologic Institute 2023: Nature Restoration Law: restoring Europe's ecosystems & protecting biodiversity. Online: https://www.greendealbigdeal.eu/podcast/episode-10/
Ecologic Institute 2023: What is transformative climate policy? Podcast. Online: https://www.4i-traction.eu/outputs/podcast-series-episode-1-what-transf…
Ecologic Institute 2023: The fight for better air quality in the EU. Podcast. Online: https://www.greendealbigdeal.eu/podcast/episode-9/
Ecologic Institute 2022: European Green Deal – what is Europe trying to achieve and where are we now?. Green Deal – Big Deal?. Podcast. 7 April 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io/
Ecologic Institute 2023: The EU’s Climate Neutrality Challenge: Can Infrastructure be the Game Changer? Podcast. Online: https://www.4i-traction.eu/outputs/podcast-series-episode-3-Can-Infrast…
Ecologic Institute 2022: Sustainability in style: circular fashion in the European Green Deal . Podcast. 9 June 2022. Online: https://greendealbigdeal.podigee.io
Ecologic Institute, 2020: Innovating with Nature, People and Places. 24 August 2020. Online: https://creating-green-cities.podigee.io/5-innovating-with-nature-peopl…
Ecologic Institute, 2020: Valuing nature: can money really grow on trees?. 10 August 2020. Online: https://creating-green-cities.podigee.io/4-valuing-nature
Ecologic Institute 2020: Bringing Nature Back into Cities. Creating Green Cities. Podcast. 25. June 2020. Online: https://creating-green-cities.podigee.io/1-bringing-nature-back-into-ci…
Ecologic Institute 2020: All Hands on Deck: Governing Urban Green. Creating Green Cities. Podcast. 27 July 2020. Online: https://creating-green-cities.podigee.io/3-governing-urban-green
Ecologic Institute 2020: Urban Trees and Gardens: How Good Are They Really for You?. Creating Green Cities. Podcast. 13 July 2020. Online: https://creating-green-cities.podigee.io/2-urban-trees-and-gardens
Ecologic Institute 2020: STErn – Socio-ecological Transformation of the Food System. URL: https://stern-projekt.org
Ecologic Institute 2020: KOPOS: Neue Kooperations- und Poolingmodelle für nachhaltige Landnutzung und Nahrungsversorgung im Stadt-Land-Verbund. URL: https://kopos-projekt.de/
Stein, Ulf; Bueb, Benedict; Tröltzsch, Jenny; Vidaurre, Rodrigo; Knieper, Christian (2020). STEER Diagnostic Water Governance Tool. www.watergovernancetool.eu
Frelih Larsen, A. et al. (2024). Towards climate friendly and resilient agri-food systems in Central Eastern Europe: the role of agroecological practices, sustainable diets, and holistic policies. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-937085-37-1
J. Bertling*, C. G. Bannick, L. Barkmann, U. Braun, D. Knoblauch, C. Kraas, L. Mederake, F. Nosić, B. Philipp, M. Rabe, I. Sartorius, H. Schritt, U. Stein, K. Wencki, K. Wendt-Potthoff, J. Woidasky (2022): Compendium on Plastics in the Environment, 1st edition 2022. https://doi.org/10.24406/umsicht-n-647637
*Corresponding author
Keuneke, Rita and Edith Massmann 2020: Ziele für den Fischschutz und Fischabstieg in Deutschland. Überblick über Instrumente des Fischschutzes in Deutschland. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH: Aachen.
Wagner, Falko and Peter Warth 2020: Evaluation of primary injury to fish at hydropower sites. Methodological recommendations for quantifying the risk of injury and mortality to fish during the passage of hydropower sites. Jena: Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Fish Biology (IGF Jena).
Federal Environment Agency (ed.) 2020: Unsere Bäche und Flüsse: renaturieren – entwickeln – naturnah unterhalten. Compiled by Lamberty G., Kemper M. und Naumann S., Dessau-Roßlau.
Ecologic Institute (ed.) 2021: BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze. Abschlusskonferenz des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Plastik in der Umwelt" am 20./21. April 2021. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
German Institute for Economic Research, Wuppertal Institute, Ecologic Institute (eds.) 2019: Phasing out Coal in the German Energy Sector. Interdependencies, Challenges and Potential Solutions.
Gores, S., Fallasch, F., Siemons, A., Duwe, M., Evans, N. 2020: Turning Points for the Ambition of European Climate Targets. Getting granular on the process and identifiying cornerstones for discussion, Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit, Berlin: Öko Institut and Ecologic Institute.
Fact sheets
Fact sheet series of the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions", 2021-2022.
Ecologic Institute 2022: Every Action – Even the Smallest One – Brings Change to Our Ocean. Roll-up series.