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Rückkehr von Fischotter, Lachs und Tüpfelsumpfhuhn an der Wümme


Rückkehr von Fischotter, Lachs und Tüpfelsumpfhuhn an der Wümme

Return of Otter, Salmon and Spotted Crake at the Wümme


Umweltbundesamt 2019: Rückkehr von Fischotter, Lachs und Tüpfelsumpfhuhn an der Wümme. Video. Online:

Today, Fischerhude’s floodplain of the Wümme near Bremen is an area of recognised ecological importance, especially for waterbound breeding and resting birds. This was made possible by a large-scale nature conservation project, in which numerous measures have been carried out since 1992 to restore water bodies, including the relocation of dykes, the creation of spawning grounds and riparian buffer strips.

This video explains restoration measures at the river Wümme. The project manager shares his experiences in an interview. The video is part of a series of ten videos on river restoration projects in Germany, which were created for the information portal river restoration of the German Federal Environment Agency (

In many areas of the Wümme river maintenance is practically set to zero and the river can develop self-dynamically without restrictions.


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Interview partner: Thomas Arkenau (Landkreis Verden)

Script, Direction: Georg Lamberty (Planungsbüro Zumbroich)

Production: Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute)

Scientific Advice: Stephan Naumann (Umweltbundesamt), Falko Wagner (Institut für Gewässerökologie und Fischereibiologie Jena)

Camera, Cutting, Sound: Marco Linke (Medieningenieurbüro Manntau)

Speaker:  Julia Gruber

Music: SapidGroove – Ambient Acoustic Guitar (Envato Market)

Cutting: Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

Photos: Thomas Arkenau (Landkreis Verden)

Published in
UBA online portal River Restoration
4:25 min
Project ID
restoration, watercourse, hydromorphology, water framework direction, WFD, 2027
Germany, Wümme
online, information platform, internet, website, infographic, video