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Renaturierung und technischer Hochwasserschutz an der Helme


Renaturierung und technischer Hochwasserschutz an der Helme

Restoration and Technical Flood Protection at the River Helme


Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung und technischer Hochwasserschutz an der Helme. Video. Online:

An innovative approach combines technical flood protection and restoration of the river Helme near Sundhausen in Thuringia. The risk of flooding is significantly reduced and companies are settling in the now flood-free industrial areas. Rare and protected species, such as the endangered river mussel (Unio crassus), also benefit from near-natural flood protection measures.

This video explains restoration measures at the river Helme. The project manager shares his experiences in an interview. The video is part of a series of ten videos on river restoration projects in Germany, which were created for the information portal river restoration of the German Federal Environment Agency (

Originally planned as a pure flood protection measure, it turned out that flood protection at the river Helme could only be carried out together with an ecological upgrading.


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Interview partner: Heiko Maulhardt (Ingenieurbüro Meinecke GmbH)

Script, Direction: Georg Lamberty (Planungsbüro Zumbroich)

Production: Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute)

Scientific Advice: Stephan Naumann (Umweltbundesamt), Falko Wagner (Institut für Gewässerökologie und Fischereibiologie Jena)

Camera, Cutting, Sound: Marco Linke (Medieningenieurbüro Manntau)

Speaker: Julia Gruber

Music: DjoGru – Autumn (Envato Market)

Cutting: Lena Aebli (Ecologic Institute)

Photos: Heiko Maulhardt (Ingenieurbüro Meinecke GmbH) and Falko Wagner (IGF Jena)

Published in
UBA online portal River Restoration
3:56 min
Project ID
restoration, watercourse, hydromorphology, water framework direction, WFD, 2027
Germany, Helme
online, information platform, internet, website, infographic, video