© Ecologic Institute
For Which Textile Products Could Obligatory Design Requirements Be Introduced First?
Stakeholder survey on textile recycling in the EU
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Ecologic Institute 2021: For which textile products could obligatory design requirements be introduced first? Animated Infographic CC-BY. Online: https://www.ecologic.eu/18419
This animated infographic visualizes results of the survey "Fostering textile fibre recycling in Europe – pointers for policy action", conducted by Ecologic Institute in 2021. You can download a print version of the infographic.
The infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, that means it may be used and adapted if Ecologic Institute is named as the author.
The infographic is part of a series of ten infographics on textile recycling developed by Ecologic Institute for a study on the Technical, Regulatory, Economic and Environmental Effectiveness of Textile Fibres Recycling on behalf of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).