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Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

Raw materials form the backbone of modern economies and are key ingredients for future development. Their use has severe environmental and social impacts, from extraction to disposal. Therefore, resource conservation aims at establishing a circular economy, which keeps products and raw materials in economically valuable loops, shifting from waste to resources.

Ecologic Institute's inter- and transdisciplinary research on resource conservation and the circular economy covers areas such as resource efficiency and productivity; sustainable production and consumption; raw materials management; waste prevention, reuse and recycling; and decoupling resource use and waste generation from socioeconomic development.

Our work builds on methods from empirical social research, action research, and transformation research. The team undertakes indicator-based qualitative and quantitative assessments of policy instruments and policy mixes on resource use. Furthermore, the team investigates trends, dynamics, and processes of change that could foster reductions in resource use. Closely involving stakeholders via participatory processes, the team identifies and co-designs policy and societal options to act.

Our team works with partners from academia, industry, civil society, and governments, from the municipal to the European level. We believe that cooperation is central to deriving societally relevant and robust findings to help drive forward resource conservation and the circular economy.

Resource use is growing worldwide and expected to continue to rise. Waste generation as well as environmental impacts associated with resource extraction, in particular emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), biodiversity loss and water stress, are also set to increase.

Key drivers for skyrocketing resource extraction encompass a growing world population with increasing income and changing consumption patterns. Further, infrastructures, value chains, institutions and governance systems rooted in linear thinking produce path dependencies. For example, a  continued increase in natural resource use and its associated environmental impacts put at risk reaching both the Paris climate target and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is not compatible with planetary space.

Therefore, action on reducing humankind's resource use and the associated ecological footprint is paramount. The Circular Economy constitutes a promising avenue for such a needed reduction.

The circular economy (CE) stands for an economy, which maintains the value of materials for as long as possible while minimising waste generation and emissions as well as generating employment by closing material loops along life cycles of products and services. The CE concept's life-cycle thinking helps to implement the waste hierarchy laid down in the European Waste Framework Directive by focusing on waste prevention (e.g. by designing out waste) as well as re-use and repair, and subsequently also recycling. For the CE to work, it needs to integrate actors and value chains from design to processing and production to consumption and after-use. Only then, can the CE exploit its potential to reduce the quantities of natural resources used and associated environmental impacts while maximizing well-being and utility. The CE holds promising potential to help achieve international climate targets in a cost-efficient way. Around one quarter of global GHG emissions are directly linked to industrial production of materials, with production of steel, cement, aluminum and plastics constituting the main source of industrial GHG emissions. Here, CE approaches can support decarburization via dematerialization. For instance, using secondary materials and designing products with alternative, low-carbon or renewable feedstock materials could reduce global CO2 emissions. Hence, the CE can be considered a key strategy to help achieving climate targets and the SDGs.

Overall, there is progress towards the CE. There are trends of diverting waste from incineration and landfilling, as the least circular and bottom-most approaches of the waste hierarchy to recycling. However, only a small fraction of material use in the European economy is sourced from secondary materials. Hence, in order to stay within planetary boundaries a system transition to mainstream and scale-up CE approaches is needed.

Implementing the CE concept systemically requires a shift from linear to circular systems, thus calling for system transformation in production, consumption and governance systems as well as in society. Hence, transitioning to the CE necessitates institutional, organizational, policy, social and technological innovation to go hand-in-hand. This presents a formidable challenge to existing systems and their (re-)design for transformation. Therefore, we need to improve our understanding of the potential economic, environmental and social (co-)benefits and impacts of such a transition. It is necessary to develop promising interventions in order to facilitate and trigger this transformation.

On the European level, and on the level of most of the EU member states, there exists a well-established and partly long-standing landscape of policies and legislation that aims at fostering the CE. However, a systemic, integrating and coherent policy seems lacking and horizontal policy integration between different policy areas is in its infancy.

Ecologic Institute focuses on analyzing trends, drivers and policies affecting the transition to a circular economy.


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Gerardo Anzaldúa
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Resource Conservation + Circular Economy








Aaron Best
Coordinator Digitalization and AI
Senior Fellow


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Resource Conservation + Circular Economy



Resource Conservation + Circular Economy




Susanne Langsdorf
Coordinator Resource Conservation & Circular Economy
Senior Fellow


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Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

Linda Mederake
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Selected Projects for Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

© ZirTeNet Project 2024

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Global extraction of primary raw materials has been growing continuously for decades, and absolute decoupling between economic growth and resource consumption, let alone environmental impacts associated with the use of natural resources, has not yet been achieved.... Read more
Re-use Logo

© Re-Use

Re-using used goods and products offers numerous economic, ecological and social potentials. Nevertheless, current waste management practices treat re-use still as a secondary priority and not in the sense of a circular economy. This is due, among other things, to the... Read more

© Adobe Stock 2023

The substantial negative environmental repercussions stemming from the current extent of natural resource consumption are readily apparent. Efforts to decouple global economic growth from resource consumption and the resulting environmental impacts have so far been... Read more

Picture: DALL·E 2024

Digital technologies have the potential to close economic loops, reduce CO2-emissions and increase resource efficiency. However, the possibilities of digitalisation for shaping a comprehensive circular economy are far from exhausted. This research project investigates... Read more

© asray|

On the one hand, the project investigates the potential for greenhouse gas savings through resource efficiency and circular economy measures. On the other hand, it provides scientific support for the organization of the European Resource Forum (ERF) 2022 and 2024 and... Read more
Due to the growing urgency of conserving resources and minimising environmental impact, the issue of recycling substances and materials has increasingly become the focus of environmental and resource protection. In particular, the recycling of plastics and the use of... Read more
To strengthen climate protection in Germany, the amendment of the Climate Protection Act in 2021 further tightened the greenhouse gas emission targets for 2030 and set the goal of climate neutrality for the year 2045. An important step in the energy sector is the phase... Read more
| © Ecologic Institut
Infrastructure systems are undergoing a process of profound transformation. They are under great pressure to change in order to contribute to changing social objectives. Expectations and challenges with regard to climate adaptation and climate protection, the circular... Read more
Recycling and giving back

Photo by Jack Church on Unsplash

In view of a strong waste management sector with good separate waste collection rates and high recycling rates of over 80 %, Germany is generally well positioned to increase the use of recyclates. So far, however, this potential has only been partially exploited.... Read more

Von Peggy Greb, US department of agriculture -, Gemeinfrei,

In light of recent experiences with supply shortages, Western democracies, and the EU in particular, are exploring new supply chains and strategies to reduce their dependence on third-country imports. Ecologic Institute provided an overview of possible options that the... Read more
Climate and resource policy are important fields of action at international and national level. In contrast to climate protection, there is no international policy regime for resource conservation and its societal relevance appears lower than for climate protection.... Read more

Photo by La Miko on Pexels

Thuringia is one of the first German states to draft its own resource conservation strategy. This requires a solid data basis on the resource flows of the state. In the ThüRess project, Ecologic Institute and the Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS) are... Read more

Textiles, including clothing, are a priority product category for the circular economy and one of the focus sectors of the new Circular Economy Action Plan. The textiles sector is a relevant economic sector in the EU, both in terms of job and value creation, as well as... Read more
All projects on Resource Conservation + Circular Economy
Selected Publications for Resource Conservation + Circular Economy
cover of the UBA report "Ressourceneffizienz und natürliche Ressourcen im internationalen Kontext. Entwicklungslinien der Ressourcenpolitik mit Schwerpunkt auf Ressourcenschonung und Ressourceneffizienz"

© Umweltbundesamt 2024

The report analyzes documents and formats focusing on resource efficiency, resource conservation and the circular economy at the German, European and international level. It outlines significant developments and expected trends in resource policy and identifies research... Read more

Rechlin, Aissa et al. 2024: Ressourceneffizienz und natürliche Ressourcen im internationalen Kontext. Entwicklungslinien der Ressourcenpolitik mit Schwerpunkt auf Ressourcenschonung und Ressourceneffizienz. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

Cover of a report titled 'Transformation towards sustainable, resilient infrastructures - Concepts, systematization, sustainability assessment, case studies'. It's the 55th publication of 2024 in the 'TEXTE' series, intended for the German Environment Agency. Below the title are the names of the authors from various institutions including the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development, Ecologic Institute, and the Brandenburg University of Technology.

© Umweltbundesamt 2024

This final report provides an analysis of the innovation and dissemination processes of infrastructure solutions that aim to increase sustainability and resilience. The research was conducted as part of the TRAFIS II project. Basics and definitions The first step... Read more

Olfert, Alfred et al. 2024: Transformation hin zu nachhaltigen, resilienten Infrastrukturen. Begriffe, Systematisierung, Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung, Fallstudien. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.


© Ecologic Institute 2024

In this episode of "Green Deal – Big Deal?", we tackle the complex world of natural resources, a topic that underpins many aspects of Europe's ambition for a green future. In conversation with guests Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director-General of European Commission’s DG... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2024: Material world: Using resources sustainably in a time of planetary crises. Online:

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© Internationale Politik 2024

When talking about the sustainable use of abiotic, i.e. non-renewable raw materials, there are two environmental perspectives to consider: On the one hand, we need minerals and metals to build the infrastructure of a climate-neutral economy. On the other hand, the... Read more

Langsdorf, Susanne 2024: Lang lebe der Rohstoff! Internationale Politik 2, März/April 2024, S. 52-57

Cover of the 'TEXTE' series document number 135/2023 titled 'Verbreitungswege nachhaltiger Infrastrukturlösungen – Drei Beispiele auf kommunaler und regionaler Ebene', which translates to 'Dissemination paths of sustainable infrastructure solutions – Three examples at the municipal and regional level'. The authors from institutions such as the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development and Ecologic Institute are listed.

© Umweltbundesamt 2023

This report analyzes how innovative, sustainable infrastructure solutions can be successfully disseminated through specific mechanisms and under certain conditions. It emphasizes the importance of cooperative networks and suitable framework conditions for the... Read more

Olfert, Alfred et al. 2023: Verbreitungswege nachhaltiger Infrastrukturlösungen – Drei Beispiele auf kommunaler und regionaler Ebene. Teilbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

Cover for an evaluation report titled 'Evaluation 2020/2021 der Förderrichtlinie "Kommunale Energieeffizienz- und/oder Ressourceneffizienz-Netzwerke" im Rahmen der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI)'. It features logos from various German research and environmental institutes.

© Ecologic Institute, ifeu

The evaluation of the municipal networks for the period 2018 to 2021 is now published and available for download. 28 projects were funded with Euro 5.66 million, and municipalities contributed almost Euro 3.8 Mio. own revenue for the networking activities. Over the... Read more

Knoblauch, Doris, Noebel, Rebecca, Safaricz, Nizara, Paar, Angelika, Hecker, Clemens 2023: Evaluation 2020/2021 der Förderrichtlinie „Kommunale Energieeffizienz- und/oder Ressourceneffizienz-Netzwerke“ im Rahmen der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI). Bericht zum Vorhaben Evaluation, Begleitung und Anpassung bestehender Förderprogramme sowie Weiterentwicklung der Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI). Ecologic Institute: Berlin. IFEU: Berlin.

Cover of the ETC CE Report 2023/7 "ETC CE Report 2023/7 "Circular Economy and Biodiversity"

© European Topic Centre on Circular economy and resource use, 2022

This report analyses how a circular economy can contribute to halting biodiversity loss. It concludes that while circular economy measures (directly and indirectly) contribute to meeting biodiversity and climate strategic objectives, the combination with biodiversity... Read more

Günther, Jens et al. 2023: Circular Economy and Biodiversity. ETC CE Report 2023/7. European Topic Centre on Circular economy and resource use.

Cover Journal Circular Economy and Sustainability

Springer Nature

To tackle the "plastic crisis", the concept of circular economy has attracted considerable attention over the past years, both by practitioners and scholars alike. Against this background, Linda Mederake, Ecologic Institute, reflects in this opinion paper from a... Read more

Mederake, Linda (2022): Without a Debate on Sufficiency, a Circular Plastics Economy will Remain an Illusion. Circ.Econ.Sust.

1st page of the Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022 "50 years 'Limits to Growth' – where are we now, where should we go?"

© Ecologic Institute

In December 2022, the 6th European Resources Forum – "Transformative approaches for sustainable resource use and a circular economy" took place. Aaron Best of Ecologic Institute supported the German Environment Agency in content-related issues surrounding the Forum,... Read more

Meyer, Mark and Aaron Best 2022: 50 years 'Limits to Growth' – where are we now, where should we go?. Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

1st page of the Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022 "Sustainable Resource Use & Circular Economy – The political landscape"

© Ecologic Institute

The transition to sustainable resource use and a circular economy is broadly recognised as an important lever in dealing with the various current crises. Debates in various international organisations suggest that such a transition will require profound systemic changes... Read more

Araujo Sosa, Ariel 2022: Sustainable Resource Use and Circular Economy – the political landscape. Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

first page of the Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022 "Sustainable Resource Use and Circular Economy – the Social Dimension"

© Ecologic Institute

There is a clear need for sustainable resource use to confront the multiple environmental crises while allowing societies to thrive. Governments around the world seek to establish systematic policies towards the implementation of sustainable resource use and a circular... Read more

Rechlin, Aissa 2022: Sustainable Resource Use and Circular Economy – the Social Dimension. Background paper for the European Resource Forum 2022. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

Cover of the publication "Europäische Ressourcensouveränität. Seltene Erden und das Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Eine Fallstudie"

© Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

Global demand for raw materials is rising continuously. Increases in overall consumption levels, as well as technological advances in specific areas such as IT, green technologies and power generation, continue to fuel international competition for rare commodities.... Read more

Langsdorf, Susanne et al. 2022: Europäische Ressourcensouveränität. Seltene Erden und das Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Eine Fallstudie. Potsdam: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

screenshot of Hessen study

Adobe Stock

This study presents innovative processes and technologies of the circular economy. The case studies come from a range of industries that are of particular importance to the federal state of Hesse and demonstrate the broad applicability of the methods presented. The... Read more

Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH (ed.) 2022: Kreislaufführung und Sekundärrohstoffe. Praxisbeispiele und Potenziale. 2. updated edition. Taunusstein / Neuhof: Print Pool GmbH.

Technological developments and trends can contribute significantly to resource conservation. However, the concrete impact of these developments and trends always depends on the social context. Here, in addition to political framework conditions, social routines,... Read more

Hackfort, Sarah, Jakob Zwiers, Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Michael Schipperges (2020). Die Zukunft im Blick: Sozio-ökonomische und sozio-kulturelle Trends der Ressourcenschonung. German Enviroment Agency, Dessau Roßlau.

All publications on Resource Conservation + Circular Economy
Selected Events for Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

© Verbraucherzentrale NRW

On 25 February 2025, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, the expert dialogue "Access not Ownership: Opportunities and Challenges of the Sharing Economy" took place. The event was organized by the Ecologic Institute on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport,... Read more

Conference:Access not Ownership: Opportunities and Challenges of the Sharing Economy

Berlin, Germany

Foto von Reiseuhu auf Unsplash

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the concept of circular economy and re-use in particular has emerged as a crucial pillar of sustainability. Re-use can play a pivotal role in reducing waste generation, conserving resources, and minimizing the... Read more

Bild von Juraj Varga auf Pixabay

To reduce the ecological footprint, we need to use products for longer, as the consumption of resources in their production is the most important environmental factor. Repair is an essential tool for this. In addition to ecological reasons, social and economic aspects... Read more

Digital Event:Promoting Repair through Networks and Repair Bonuses – Re-Use Berlin


© Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg/WBG-Pooling

For the transport of goods from the factory or a warehouse to retailers or wholesalers, disposable packaging is the norm, which becomes waste after one single use. Reusable systems provide an alternative to this waste of resources. While reusable transport packaging is... Read more

Digital Event:Reusable Transport Packaging

online via Zoom

© asray|

The German Environment Agency (UBA) is pleased to announce the 6th European Resources Forum – "Transformative approaches for sustainable resource use and a circular economy." Participants of the 6th European Resources Forum can expect a programme with innovative... Read more

Conference:European Resources Forum 2022online


© Ecornet

Europa its on its way towards a circular economy and has set itself an extremely ambitious plan to this end in the form of the Circular Economy Action Plan; among other things, non-recyclable residual waste is to be halved by 2030. But how is it being put into practice?... Read more

Digital Event:The Transformation to a Circular Economy Caught between Ambitions and Realities


© Ingo Bartussek/Adobe Stock

In order to foster ecologically and economically sustainable construction in the future, the construction industry needs to convert its processes to circular value creation. Therefore, the city of Berlin is striving for a circular and resource-saving construction method... Read more

Digital Event:Re-use and Recycling of Insulation Materials in Buildings

All events on Resource Conservation + Circular Economy