Yannick Heni
M. Eng. (Packaging Technology)
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Yannick Heni works as a Researcher at Ecologic Institute, where he specializes in resource conservation and the just transition to a circular economy. His expertise encompasses sufficiency strategies, waste prevention, and producer responsibility. A native speaker of German, Yannick Heni is proficient in English and has a basic knowledge of Spanish.
Yannick Heni works on the project "Resource Efficiency and Natural Resources in an International Context", which provides support to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUV) and the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA). In this capacity, he evaluates studies conducted by international organizations in the realm of resource conservation. Additionally, Yannick Heni contributes to Ecologic Institute's involvement in the UBA-funded project "Scientific Support of the Development of a Strategy for a Circular Economy in Germany" (Nationale Kreislaufwirtschaftsstrategie NKWS). Within this project, his main responsibilities include assessing the social acceptability of proposed instruments and measures, as well as devising strategies to enhance social acceptance. Furthermore, Yannick Heni played a pivotal role in the "Re-use Berlin Measures 2022-2023" project for the Berlin Senate Administration, designing and facilitating virtual expert dialogues. Yannick Heni is also an integral part of the Horizon Europe TransPharm project "Transforming into a sustainable European pharmaceutical sector", where he collaborates with a multidisciplinary team to develop a comprehensive framework for integrated sustainability assessment. Moreover, he conducts expert interviews for the PREMIER project "Prioritisation and Risk Evaluation of Medicines in the EnviRonment", focusing on the feasibility of implementing environmentally friendly active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Additionally, Yannick Heni supports the UBA-funded project "Pharmaceuticals Index Environment" with a feasibility study on the establishment of environmental information and classification system for pharmaceuticals in Germany.
Before joining Ecologic Institute, Yannick Heni was a researcher in the plastics and packaging department at the German Environment Agency (UBA). While pursuing his master's degree, he was employed for the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany (NABU) as a student worker. There, his research focused on various topics in the field of resources and circular economy. Prior to that, he interned at Ökopol Institut für Ökologie und Politik, where he worked on ecological aspects of products and product systems.
Yannick Heni obtained a master's degree in Packaging Technology at the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT). In his master's thesis, he analyzed the influence of printing inks on the mechanical recycling of plastic packaging and identified potential reduction measures in cooperation with Interseroh+. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Packaging Technology from the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (Germany).
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Selected projects by Yannick Heni
Resource Efficiency and Natural Resources in an International Context
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Scientific Support of the Development of a Strategy for a Circular Economy in Germany
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Scientific Accompanying Research on Current Discourses on Resource Conservation
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German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Re-use Berlin Measures 2022-2023
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Selected events by Yannick Heni
Digital Event:Circular Diversity: Creative solutions to promote the re-use of second-hand goods – Re-use Berlin
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- online
Digital Event:Promoting Repair through Networks and Repair Bonuses – Re-Use Berlin
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