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Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an Environmental Information and Classification System for Pharmaceuticals in Germany

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Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an Environmental Information and Classification System for Pharmaceuticals in Germany


Pharmaceuticals play a crucial role in healthcare, especially in the context of an aging society. However, their use also has significant environmental impacts. In Germany and globally, pharmaceutical residues enter the environment, particularly water bodies, and affect ecosystems as well as water quality.

A possible approach to addressing this issue is the introduction of environmental information and classification system for the pharmaceutical sector. Such a system is a systematic database or list that contains information about pharmaceuticals and, through a mediation system, assists doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals in reviewing, prescribing, or recommending medications based on their environmental properties and other relevant information. A pioneer in this regard is the "Wise List" in Sweden. Similar initiatives have recently been implemented in Finland and are currently under development in places such as Scotland.

The goal of the research project is a feasibility study on the introduction of environmental information and classification system for pharmaceuticals in Germany. The results of this feasibility study will include not only an assessment of the organizational or legal viability but also the development of a comprehensive concept for the successful integration into the daily professional practices of doctors and pharmacists in Germany. This concept could serve as the foundation for subsequent research projects by the German Environment Agency (UBA), in which practical implementation is to take place.

Ecologic Institute leads the project and is significantly involved in carrying out the substantive work.


Dr. Aissa Rechlin
Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner
Project ID
environmental impact of pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals in water, pharmaceutical residues in water bodies, environmentally friendly medications, pharmaceutical environmental classification, sustainable healthcare, feasibility study for environmental information, eco-friendly pharmaceuticals, Wise List Sweden, medication classification by environmental criteria, ecological footprint of pharmaceuticals, German Environment Agency pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical waste, environmentally friendly prescribing practices, integrating environmental aspects in medicine
feasibility study