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Minimierung der landwirtschaftlichen Einträge von Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt


Minimierung der landwirtschaftlichen Einträge von Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt

Lehrmaterialien Landwirtschaft für Fortgeschrittene


Umweltbundesamt (ed.) 2018: Minimierung der landwirtschaftlichen Einträge von Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt. Lehrmaterialien Landwirtschaft für Fortgeschrittene.

Residues of veterinary pharmaceuticals may enter water and soil via manure and dung. Farmers can reduce this environmental impact through their practices. These teaching materials have been designed for advanced learners in agriculture. They consist of presentation slides and accompanying background material. The slides are designed for a 90-minute lecture. The teaching materials are available for teachers and learners to use freely.

The aim of the teaching materials is to inform livestock owners about the side effects of their actions on the environment and to motivate them to continue engaging with this topic. They should be made aware of the need to use veterinary medicines in an environmentally friendly manner and give greater consideration to alternative measures for maintaining the health of individual animals and livestock.

The teaching materials were developed under the lead of the Ecologic Institute for the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA).


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Dr. Julia Steinhoff-Wagner (FoodNetCenter der Universität Bonn)
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Petersen (FoodNetCenter der Universität Bonn)
Dr. Arne Hein (Umweltbundesamt)
Dr. Simone Lehmann (Umweltbundesamt)

Editing: Melanie Kemper (Ecologic Institute)

Graphic design: Beáta Welk Vargová (Ecologic Institute)

Published in
UBA internet portal: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment [German]
Published by
66 slides
Project ID
Table of contents
veterinary drugs, environment, veterinarian, farmer, agriculture, environmental impact, antibiotics, water, groundwater, soil, soil functionality, soil ecosystem, food, drinking water
information material, teaching material, learning material, training and further education, training material, presentation slides, infographics