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Promoting Repair through Networks and Repair Bonuses – Re-Use Berlin
Online expert dialogue
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- Speaker
Ariel Araujo
To reduce the ecological footprint, we need to use products for longer, as the consumption of resources in their production is the most important environmental factor. Repair is an essential tool for this. In addition to ecological reasons, social and economic aspects also speak in favour of more repair. It creates skilled jobs and can have positive effects on social recognition and relationships. Although interest in repair is growing and many initiatives and networks are working to strengthen it, there is a shortage of skilled workers and young people, closures of long-standing repair businesses and continued high demand for short-lived products.
Against this background, the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment (SenMVKU) organised an online expert dialogue on the topic of "Promoting repair through networks and repair bonuses" on 6 June 2023. Good practice examples were presented and potentials, challenges and measures to promote repair were discussed with the participation of experts from business, civil society and politics.
The presentations and the corresponding slides are available below:
Ina Schulze, SenMVKU – Begrüßung und Einführung Re-Use Initiative
Jakob Gross, BMUV – Hintergrund und Status quo von Reparatur in Deutschland
Block 1 – Reparatur-Netzwerke
- Netzwerk Qualitätsreparratur Berlin:
Steffi Beyer, BSR – Hintergrund, Ziele, Umsetzungskonzept und Zukunftspläne
- Vorstellung der Projekte und potenzieller Netzwerkpartner:innen
Steffi Beyer, BSR – Abfallwirtschaft
Melissa Gaudino, HWK Berlin & Peter Dorscheid, Peter's Wekrstatt – Handwerkbetriebe
Tom Hansing, anstiftung & Lysann Steinbacher, BUND Berlin – Reparaturinitiativen
- Das Forschungsprojekt REALKOOP
Julia Bauer, Institut für Betriebsführung im DIH e.V. – Ein Erfahrungsbericht
Block 2 - Reparaturbonus
Markus Piringer, Die Umweltberatung – Praxisbeispiel: Wien macht Schule – vom Wiener Netzwerk hin zur nationalen Politik
Daniel Affelt, BUND Berlin – Reparaturbonus aus der Zivilgesellschaft: Pilot vom BUND Berlin