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Reusable Transport Packaging

© Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg/WBG-Pooling

Reusable Transport Packaging

Online Expert Dialogue

online via Zoom

For the transport of goods from the factory or a warehouse to retailers or wholesalers, disposable packaging is the norm, which becomes waste after one single use. Reusable systems provide an alternative to this waste of resources. While reusable transport packaging is already quite widespread for some product groups, e.g., fruits and vegetables, the overall potential of reusable transport packaging is far from being exhausted. 

Against this background, the Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action (SenUMVK) and Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg organised an online expert dialogue on "Reusable Transport Packaging" on 27 February 2023 to discuss potentials, challenges and elements for the expansion of reusable transport packaging together with experts from trade, the logistics industry, civil society and politics. Good examples from practice were presented that show how reusable systems for transport can be developed and expanded. In addition, speakers and participants exchanged on political framework conditions necessary to strengthen reusable transport packaging.

The event took place within the framework of the Berlin Re-Use Initiative.

The presentations are available as videos.

Michael Jedelhauser, NABU

Der unsichtbare Abfall – Transportverpackungen und das Potenzial von Mehrweg, Presentation slides

Jens Oldenburg, Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg

Luft nach oben – Politische Rahmenbedingungen für den Einsatz von Mehrweg-Transportverpackungen

Flora Späth, Europe Plant Tray

Der lange Weg zum Mehrweg? – eine europäische Branchenlösung für Pflanzentrays, Presentation slides

Florian Runden, WBG-Pooling

Branchenübergreifende Mehrweg-Verpackung – vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen wir?, Presentation slides

Robin Schritt, Kornkraft Naturkost

Alternativen zur Wickelfolie in der Logistik, Presentation slides

The overall potential of reusable transport packaging is far from being exhausted.


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