Plastics in the environment have become a global problem. To solve it, different actors such as product designers, producers, converters, retailers, consumers, recyclers, and disposal companies throughout the value chain need to work together. This calls for interdisciplinary research. Ecologic Institute is exploring various aspects of this issue, such as freshwater and marine environments, soil, recycling, water management, legal requirements, and the regulation of macro- and microplastics. Our team members have expertise on international and European plastics regulation as well as various related policy fields, such as ecotoxicology, microplastics analytics, water treatment, and recycling issues. This allows them to analyze which regulations are still missing and to provide recommendations with a view to strengthening the patchy regulatory framework for the production, use, and disposal of plastics. Ecologic Institute is also represented in fora such as the German roundtable on marine litter. Furthermore, it strengthens civic engagement via citizen science projects which involve members of the public in research.
Related Topics
Selected Projects for Plastics
Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
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- Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Microplastics in Soils – International Conference
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- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Asia's Opportunity to End Single-use Plastic Pollution
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- Funding
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Philippines
Advising the EU's International Outreach on the Content of the Mandate for an International Negotiating Committee for a Potential Global Plastics Agreement
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, International
A Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution – Perspectives from Asia
- Duration
- Funding
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Germany
Extended Producer Responsibility and Ecomodulation of Fees
- Duration
- Funding
Rethink Plastic alliance, Belgium Zero Waste Europe, International European Environmental Bureau (EEB), International
Scientific Support of the Non-fiction Youth Book "Plastik, Müll und Ich"
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- Funding
Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBS), Germany
The EU Directive on Disposable Plastics and Fishing Gear
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in EU International Development Aid
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Development and Cooperation (EuropeAid), International
Internet Platform Marine Litter
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
"No more Plastics in the Oceans": Designing a legally binding global plastic convention
- Duration
- Funding
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), International
Options Under Public International Law to Increase Resource Efficiency
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Selected Publications for Plastics
Plastics regulation
Mederake, Linda; Knoblauch, Doris (2022): Global rules in a new global treaty: Asia's opportunity to end single-use plastic pollution. Published in July 2022 by WWF Philippines.
Stockhaus, Heidi 2022: Verhandlungen zu einem globalen Plastikabkommen – Zeit Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), 2022, No. 7-8, 385-386.
Altvater, Susanne, Stephan Sina, Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers et al. 2022: EU Single-Use Plastics Directive – analysis of provisions and potential measures regarding extended producer responsibility. Final Report. Climate Change 42/2022. Federal Environment Agency: Dessau-Roßlau.
Stockhaus, H; Sachdeva, A; Sina, S; Bolopion, E; Mislang, G; Espenilla, J; Guiao, C.T.; Sulistiawati, L.Y.; Popattanachai, N. 2021. A New Treaty on Plastic Pollution – Perspectives from Asia. Published in October 2021 by WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (Singapore) Limited (WWF-Singapore).
Knoblauch, D.; Mederake, L. (2021): Government policies combatting plastic pollution, Current Opinion in Toxicology,
Mederake, L., Araujo Sosa, A. und Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. (2020): Mehr Kohärenz bitte! Plastikpolitik in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit. Politische Ökologie, Band 161, 76-82.
Bodle, Ralph; Sina, Stephan (2019), "A treaty on plastic waste. Discussion paper for the international round-table on Tackling global plastic pollution – Ways towards an international convention", Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Mederake, Linda; Gürtler, Stephan; Knoblauch, Doris (2019): Regulation: Solutions at the Wrong End. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und BUND – Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (Eds.): Plastic Atlas 2019. Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers. Berlin.
Mederake, Linda; Knoblauch, Doris (2019): Shaping EU Plastic Policies: The Role of Public Health vs. Environmental Arguments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16, 3928.
Simon, Nils et al. (2018): No More Plastics in the Ocean. Gaps in Global Plastic Governance and Options for a Legally Binding Agreement to Eliminate Marine Plastic Pollution. Draft report for WWF to support discussions at the Ad Hoc Open-ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics. Berlin: adelphi.
Publications within the BMBF Research Focus Plastics in the Environment
Hinzmann, Mandy; Knoblauch, Doris; Mederake, Linda; Schritt, Hannes; Stein, Ulf (eds.) (2022): Key messages of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment".
Research focus "Plastics in the Environment" (2022): Key messages of the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment". Short version.
J. Bertling*, C. G. Bannick, L. Barkmann, U. Braun, D. Knoblauch, C. Kraas, L. Mederake, F. Nosić, B. Philipp, M. Rabe, I. Sartorius, H. Schritt, U. Stein, K. Wencki, K. Wendt-Potthoff, J. Woidasky (2022): Compendium on Plastics in the Environment, 1st edition 2022.
*Corresponding author
Beyerl, Katharina; Bogner, Franz; Daskalakis, Maria; Decker, Thomas; Hentschel, Anja; Hinzmann, Mandy; Loges, Bastian; Knoblauch, Doris; Mederake, Linda; Müller,, Ruth; Rubik, Frieder; Schweiger, Stefan; Stieß, Immanuel (2022): Wege zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kunststoffen: Kernbotschaften sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 31(1), 51-53.

Are microplastics harmful? The ecotoxicological assessment of microplastics in the environment is a complex task
|© Ecologic Institute 2022, CC-BY 4.0
Ecologic Institute (2022): Plastics in the Environment. Are microplastics harmful? Infographic CC-BY 4.0. Online:
Fact sheet series of the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions", 2021-2022.
Ecologic Institute (ed.) 2021: BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze. Abschlusskonferenz des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Plastik in der Umwelt" am 20./21. April 2021. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
Braun, Ulrike & Stein, Ulf & Schritt, Hannes & Altmann, Korinna & Bannick, Claus Gerhard & Becker, Roland & Bitter, Hajo & Bochow, Mathias & Dierkes, Georg & Enders, Kristina et al. (2021): Analysis of Microplastics. Sampling, Preparation and Detection Methods. Status Report within the framework program Plastics in the Environment.
Ecologic Institut (2018): Plastic in the Environment. URL:
Selected Events for Plastics
Digital Event:Plastics in the Environment (PlastikNet) – Webinar Series
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- Location
- online
Conference:Theme Day: Plastic in the Environment
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Conference:Plastic in the Environment – Final Conference of the BMBF Research Programme
- Date
- Location
- online
Conference:Plastics in the Environment – Status Conference
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Conference:Microplastics in the Water Cycle (MiWA) – Final conference
- Date
- Location
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Workshop:Sampling, Sample Preparation and Analysis of Microplastics
- Date
- Location
- Karlsruhe, Germany
Citizen Science
Workshop:Plastic Pirates – The Sea Starts Here!
- Date
- Location
- , Germany
Discussion:Science Sips on Citizen Science and Plastic in the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Selected Presentations for Plastics
Speech:Reflections on Extended Producer Responsibility under the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive
- Date
- Location
- online, Germany
Speech:Tackling Plastic Pollution – Introduction to Global Plastic Pollution and the Discussions at the International Level
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Speech:Micropollutants and Plastic in the Environment
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Lecture:Plastics Crisis? – Advantages of plastics and the problems of plastic consumption
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Speech:The Plastic Pirates – Investigating Waste Pollution in and at German Rivers with Young People
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Chairing:Political and Social Dimensions of Plastics in the Environment
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Lecture:Towards a Global Plastics Convention
- Date
- Location
- Glasgow, United Kingdom