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Hannes Schritt

Hannes Schritt

MSc (Environmental Engineering)



Hannes Schritt is a Researcher for Ecologic Institute and works mainly in the fields of ecosystems, nutrient cycles and agriculture. His research activities include plastics in the environment, circular economy, water management, evaluation of regulations in agriculture and their impact on ecosystems and climate change adaptation. Hannes Schritt works in German and English, is conversational in Spanish and has basic knowledge of Portuguese and French.

For Ecologic Institute, he works mainly in the project PlastikNet on plastic in the environment – sources, sinks, solutions and in the project WADKlim on adaptation to drought in Germany. He advises the European Environment Agency on issues related to the continuity of European rivers and the establishment of monitoring systems for air pollutants. Recently he evaluated agricultural consultancy systems in Schleswig-Holstein and North-Rhein Westphalia and their impact on ecosystems.

Plastics in the Environment – scientific coordination & transdisciplinary knowledge network (PlastikNet): This four-year project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) aims at supporting the political and societal impact of the funded research projects, most of which focus on microplastics in the hydrologic cycle. Hannes Schritt works here primarily in the fields of analytics, ecotoxicology and modeling.

The WADKlim project is investigating the impacts of climate change on water availability, particularly with respect to groundwater recharge and groundwater availability during drought, criteria for dealing with water use conflicts, and water reuse in metropolitan areas. Hannes Schritt will work mainly on the last two topics.

Before arriving at Ecologic Institute, Hannes Schritt contributed to work on the climate mitigation concept EKaKorn at the company Kornkraft Naturkost GmbH in cooperation with Jülich Project Management. Prior to studying, he worked as a human rights observer in Chiapas (Mexico).

Hannes Schritt received his Master's degree in environmental engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany). His thesis focused on innovative approaches to closing nutrient cycles in the agroecosystem of an indigenous community in the Amazon. He presented the results of his thesis to local farmers in Sarayaku (Ecuador) in the form of comics and integrated his concept in school teaching. In 2013, he spent a semester abroad at the Universidade de Pernambuco in Recife (Brasil).

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Selected projects by Hannes Schritt
| Fotolia © Christian Schulz
In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinated 20 joint research projects,... Read more

© Katho Menden |

The drought in the summer months of 2018 and 2019 has made it clear that water use conflicts may increase in Germany in the future. Restrictions on water withdrawals from surface waters, bottlenecks in agricultural irrigation and impairment of goods traffic via... Read more

Drought and Water Use Conflicts in Germany (WADKlim)


A farmer advisor and an Ecologic Institute staff member inspect a field planted with catch crops in the Lower Rhine region.


© Rodrigo Vidaurre

About a quarter of German groundwater exceeds the nitrate limit of the European Union for drinking water. A substantial reduction of inputs can only be achieved through measures in agriculture. The study examines existing drinking water cooperations between farmers and... Read more
Selected publications by Hannes Schritt
front cover of Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft journal with blue and green design and a photo of a lotus flower in water

© Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft

Drinking water protection in North Rhine-Westphalia is based on mandatory requirements as well as voluntary measures agreed on between farmers and water suppliers. A study conducted by Ecologic Institute and HYDOR Consult for the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture... Read more

Vidaurre, Rodrigo; Schritt, Hannes. 2021. "Wirkungsanalyse von Maßnahmen zur Verringerung von Stickstoffeinträgen aus der Landwirtschaft im Rahmen des dezentralen Kooperationsmodells NRW: Teil 1: Landwirtschaftliche Evaluierung". Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 2021 (14), no. 4.

Cover Plastic, Waste & Me
Layout: Gesine Grotrian


Plastic is of great benefit. But plastic is also a huge problem. Its production requires huge amounts of fossil raw materials, its consumption promotes a throwaway mentality, many beaches and areas are now drowning in plastic waste, and it accumulates in the stomachs of... Read more

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (2021): Unpacked! Plastic, Waste & Me. Berlin.

Cover "Compendium on Plastics in the Environment

© Ecologic Institute

This compendium, published by Ecologic Institute, aims to sharpen relevant terms and thereby aims to contribute to the heterogeneity of the scientific community on "plastics in the environment". In addition, the brochure is intended to help ensure that communication... Read more

J. Bertling*, C. G. Bannick, L. Barkmann, U. Braun, D. Knoblauch, C. Kraas, L. Mederake, F. Nosić, B. Philipp, M. Rabe, I. Sartorius, H. Schritt, U. Stein, K. Wencki, K. Wendt-Potthoff, J. Woidasky (2022): Compendium on Plastics in the Environment, 1st edition 2022.

*Corresponding author

Publiction's cover "Einfach weglassen"

oekom Verlag

Numerous one- to two-person households, an increase in mail-order business as well as the popular "to-go" culture are causing a steady rise in the consumption of plastic packaging in Germany. While approximately 1.8 million tons of plastic were produced per year in 2000... Read more

Knoblauch, Doris; Schritt, Hannes (2020): Umweltproblem Plastikverpackung. Aufkommen in Deutschland und Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. In: Kröger, Melanie; Pape, Jens; Wittwer, Alexandra (Hrsg.) (2020): Einfach weglassen? Ein wissenschaftliches Lesebuch zur Reduktion von Plastikverpackungen im Lebensmittelhandel. ISBN: 978-3-96238-243-8. Oekom Verlag, München.

First page of report with title

Ecologic Institute

This status report was prepared within the framework of the cross-cutting issue 1 "Analytics and reference materials" of the research focus Plastics in the Environment. It summarizes the contents of the project discussions and coordination within the cross-cutting issue... Read more

Braun, Ulrike & Stein, Ulf & Schritt, Hannes & Altmann, Korinna & Bannick, Claus Gerhard & Becker, Roland & Bitter, Hajo & Bochow, Mathias & Dierkes, Georg & Enders, Kristina et al. (2021): Analysis of Microplastics. Sampling, Preparation and Detection Methods. Status Report within the framework program Plastics in the Environment.

UBA TEXTE 62/2018
This final report presents the results of the research project "Internet of services and things and compliance with environmental standards of technical infrastructures – a concept study for Schwerin and its surroundings". The report is available for download. ... Read more

Buhl, Oliver et. al. 2018: Internet der Dienste und Dinge und Erfüllung von Umweltstandards technischer Infrastrukturen – am Beispiel der Landeshauptstadt Schwerin und Umland. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

Selected events by Hannes Schritt


Plastic in the environment is a topic of immense significance, which has only grown in relevance since the Coronavirus pandemic. Water pollution (oceans, rivers, lakes, ground water) and plastic/microplastics in the environment are among the top environmental... Read more

Conference:Plastic in the Environment – Final Conference of the BMBF Research Programme

Vortrag von Andreas Svennefjord (CDP Europe) während des Workshops (C)Ecologic Institut
The international workshop enabled a fruitful discussion on the conception and the benefits of a new ISO guidance for environmental management in the field of water. The workshop participants quickly agreed that this new ISO guidance makes sense and should be introduced... Read more

Workshop:New ISO Guidance for Managing Water with ISO 14001

Berlin, Germany
Auftaktkonferenz BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt "Plastik in der Umwelt", Foto: Stephan Röhl
With a big conference in Berlin on the 17 and 18 Oktober 2017, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) launched its new comprehensive research programme "Plastic in the Environment – Sources • Sinks •... Read more

Conference:Plastic in the Environment – Kick-off Conference of the BMBF Research Programme

Berlin, Germany
Selected presentations by Hannes Schritt
Hannes Schritt hold a presentation concerning water in Berlin and Virtual Water at the BUNDjugend German-Egyptian Youth Exchange in Berlin. As part of the presentation he explained the water cycle of Berlin: Treated waste water is reused as drinking water to ensure... Read more

Speech:Water in Berlin – Virtual Water

Berlin, Germany

© Petra Kelly Stiftung

We all separate waste. But that is not enough. We have to make sure that garbage is not produced in the first place. All resources have to be recycled again and again in cycles. At the Sustainability Forum of Neumarkter Lammsbräu, Lisa Fiedler of the VAUDE... Read more

Panel discussion:Cycles not Waste – Expert forum on Circular Economy

Neumarkt, Germany