© Petra Kelly Stiftung
Cycles not Waste – Expert forum on Circular Economy
- Presentation
- Date
- Location
- Neumarkt, Germany
- Panel discussion
We all separate waste. But that is not enough. We have to make sure that garbage is not produced in the first place. All resources have to be recycled again and again in cycles. At the Sustainability Forum of Neumarkter Lammsbräu, Lisa Fiedler of the VAUDE Sustainability Academy, Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart of Cradle to Cradle, Timothy Glaz of Werner & Mertz GmbH and Hannes Schritt of Ecologic Institute Berlin discussed how fast we have to be to save our planet. And about the fact that we do not have to be climate-neutral, but climate-positive. An exciting discussion with many facts and sometimes astonishing insights and the encouraging realization that we as creative people have a real chance to find new solutions. "Let's say we take back the carbon – and we do it now."