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Die Geisterstunde

PIXI-Buch die Geisterstunde

© Carlsen Verlag

Die Geisterstunde


Tielmann, Christian; Korthues, Barbara (2023): Die Geisterstunde. Special production for the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment". Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg.

For many people, plastic bottles have become an indispensable part of everyday life. However, the production and throwing away of plastic bottles is harmful to the environment and the climate. Ideally, PET bottles are recycled and reused. But what happens to the bottles during the recycling process?

"Die Geisterstunde" ("The witching hour") by Christian Tielmann is the third PIXI book produced as part of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment" by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, together with Stiftung Lesen and Carlsen Verlag and is dedicated to the recycling of plastic bottles. Flupp, the little ghost from the plastic bottle, lives on a bedside shelf. His friends Milla and Dario have built him a nice little bed there. Unfortunately, his old plastic bottle, in which they found Flupp, the little ghost, stank so badly that they threw it into the plastics recycling bin. Flupp and his friends therefore set out to find his plastic bottle, and thus begins a new adventure in which Flupp and the children playfully learn how plastic bottles are recycled.

"Die Geisterstunde" follows on from the PIXI story "Flupp from the plastic bottle", which has already been read with enthusiasm by many children. The edition was made available to interested kindergardens and day-care centres.

Plastics recycling explained as easy as child's play.


Doris Knoblauch
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Coordinator Urban & Spatial Governance
Senior Fellow

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Story: Christian Tielmann

Illustrations: Barbara Korthues

Plot: Doris Knoblauch (Ecologic Institute)

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short stories, illustrated, miniature book, first edition, limited edition, special edition