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Die Schatzsuche

Titelbild Lesemaus "Die Schatzsuche"

Die Lesemaus "Die Schatzsuche" wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt "Plastik in der Umwelt" erstellt.

Die Schatzsuche



Tielmann, Christian; Korthues, Barbara (2022): Die Schatzsuche. Lesemaus. Special production for the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment". Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg.

Plastic waste is omnipresent, the pollution in the environment easily recognizable. This makes the issue relevant even for the youngest children. This is why the Ecologic Institute, within the research focus "Plastics in the Environment", together with the AOK Bundesverband, Stiftung Lesen and Carlsen K – the children's media agency of Carlsen Verlag – has developed an exclusive "Lesemaus" edition especially for day-care centres.

Under the title "The Treasure Hunt", children can follow a story about how a treasure hunt in the sandbox of the day-care group turns into an intensive examination of the topic of plastics. With the help of the teachers, the children explore where plastic waste is floating around in our environment, where all the plastic comes from and how pollution of the environment can be prevented.

Within the framework of this cooperation with Stiftung Lesen, the special editions of Lesemaus has been sent to all day-care centres nationwide in duplicate for their work with pre-school children. With the story and suitable activity ideas, educators can inspire the children in their day-care centres for this important topic playfully. In addition, parents at home are also reached who read the book with their children and thus deal with the issue of plastic in the environment.

The book is no longer available, as all copies have been distributed.

Plastic avoidance explained as easy as child's play.


Doris Knoblauch
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Coordinator Urban & Spatial Governance
Senior Fellow

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Story: Christian Tielmann

Illustrations: Barbara Korthues

Plot: Doris Knoblauch and Linda Mederake (Ecologic Institute)

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24 pp.
Project ID