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Status Report Analysis of Microplastics

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Ecologic Institute

Status Report Analysis of Microplastics

Sampling, Preparation and Detection Methods


Braun, Ulrike & Stein, Ulf & Schritt, Hannes & Altmann, Korinna & Bannick, Claus Gerhard & Becker, Roland & Bitter, Hajo & Bochow, Mathias & Dierkes, Georg & Enders, Kristina et al. (2021): Analysis of Microplastics. Sampling, Preparation and Detection Methods. Status Report within the framework program Plastics in the Environment.

This status report was prepared within the framework of the cross-cutting issue 1 "Analytics and reference materials" of the research focus Plastics in the Environment. It summarizes the contents of the project discussions and coordination within the cross-cutting issue. The organization of this ongoing process of development or elaboration has been supported by several events between 2018 and 2020.

The status report presents a summary of the physicochemical methods for the analysis of MP used in the research focus. The present recommendations are based on the current state of knowledge of the analysis of MP and are directed at actors in science as well as potential users in practice.

Scientists from the following collaborative projects of the research focus participated in the preparation of the status report via workshops, contributions and feedback loops: EmiStop, ENSURE, MicBin, MicroCatch_Balt, MikroPlaTaS, PLASTRAT, PLAWES, RAU, REPLAWA, RUSEKU, SubμTrack and TextileMission as well as the two predecessor projects MiWa and BASEMAN.


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Dr. Ulrike Braun (German Federal Institute of Material Reserach (BAM))

Contributing authors:

Dr. Korinna Altmann, BAM Berlin, Dr. Claus G. Bannick, UBA Berlin, Dr. Roland Becker, BAM Berlin, Hajo Bitter, TU Darmstadt, Dr. Mathias Bochow, GFZ Potsdam, Dr. Ulrike Braun, BAM Berlin, Dr. Georg Dierkes, BfG Koblenz, Dr. Kristina Enders, IOW Warnemünde, Dr. Kyriakos A. Eslahian, BS-Partikel GmbH Mainz, Dr. Dieter Fischer, IPF Dresden, Dr. Corinna Földi, BfG Koblenz, Prof. Monika Fuchs, HTW Berlin, PD Dr. Gunnar Gerdts, AWI Helgoland, Dr. Christian Hagendorf, Fraunhofer CSP Halle, Claudia Heller, HTW Berlin, PD Dr. Natalia P. Ivleva, TU München, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Jekel, Prof. Dr. Jutta Kerpen, Hochschule RheinMain, Franziska Klaeger, IOW Warnemünde, Dr. Oliver Knoop, TU München, Prof. Dr. Matthias Labrenz, IOW Warnemünde, Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch, Universität Bayreuth, Nathan Obermaier, UBA Berlin, Dr. Sebastian Primpke, AWI Helgoland, Dr. Jens Reiber, WESSLING GmbH, Dr. Susanne Richter, Fraunhofer CSP, Mathias Ricking, UBA Berlin, Dr. Barbara Scholz-Böttcher, Universität Oldenburg, Dr. Friederike Stock, BfG Koblenz, Dr. Stephan Wagner, UFZ Leipzig, PD Dr. Katrin Wendt-Potthoff, UFZ Magdeburg, Dr. Nicole Zumbülte, TZW Karlsruhe


The authors want to thank Dr. Saskia Ziemann, Daniel Venghaus, Markus Gahleitner, Cordula Witzig, Dr. Ingo Sartorius, Dr. Sabine Lindner, Marco Kunaschk, Dr. Korbinian Freier, Katharina Wörle, Dr. Christian Scheid and Dr. Peter Schweyen for their valuable comments and contributions to this paper.


66 pp.
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