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Mandy Hinzmann

Mandy Hinzmann

MA (Sustainability Economics)
BA (International Political Management)



Mandy Hinzmann is a Fellow at Ecologic Institute. Her main research fields are circular economy, resource conservation, waste avoidance, eco-innovations and sustainable consumption. She is further interested in the nexus of resource conservation and climate protection policies. She works in German and English and has good knowledge of Spanish.

Her work focuses on the analysis of policy options aimed at conserving natural resources and establishing a circular economy. In particular, she investigates approaches to foster a circular textile economy. On behalf of the European Commission, Mandy Hinzmann co-authored a study on textile fibre recycling in the EU. For this, she analysed policy measures to promote high-quality textile recycling and to make the fashion industry more circular and sustainable. In the follow-up project to Circular City Berlin, Mandy Hinzmann will work on innovative concepts for the collection, sorting, recycling and reuse of discarded textiles.

Mandy Hinzmann also works on the topic of plastic pollution. She is currently coordinating the Ecologic Institute's contributions to the Citizen Science project "Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!". In addition, she supports research on circular economy approaches for plastics in the research program "Plastic in the Environment", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Before joining Ecologic Institute, Mandy Hinzmann worked at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in the Department of Environmental Politics.

Mandy Hinzmann studied Sustainable Economics at the University of Kassel (Germany). Prior to this she studied International Political Management at the Bremen University of Applied Science (Germany) and completed a semester abroad at the University of Concepción (Chile).

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Selected projects by Mandy Hinzmann

Circular Economy & Green Innovations


Textiles, including clothing, are a priority product category for the circular economy and one of the focus sectors of the new Circular Economy Action Plan. The textiles sector is a relevant economic sector in the EU, both in terms of job and value creation, as well as... Read more
The project "Circular City Berlin – from potential towards implementation (CiBER 1)" analysed and promoted innovative approaches to the circular economy in various sectors in Berlin. In view of the expected further growth, urban densification and increased economic... Read more

Circular City Berlin – From potential towards implementation (CiBER 1)


Combating Plastic Pollution

© BMBF/Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
A torn plastic bag on the riverbank or a yoghurt cup floating in the water are symptoms of serious interference with the highly complex system of seas, the ocean and flowing waterways. The Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! project focuses on this plastic waste problem and... Read more
| Fotolia © Christian Schulz
In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinated 20 joint research projects,... Read more

Nexus Climate Protection & Resource Conservation

Climate and resource policy are important fields of action at international and national level. In contrast to climate protection, there is no international policy regime for resource conservation and its societal relevance appears lower than for climate protection.... Read more
| Fotolia © thomas haltinner
The TRAFIS project investigates the development of climate resilient and resource-conserving infrastructures through the lens of transition and action research. The project focuses primarily on interlinked infrastructures. Infrastructure and infrastructure systems... Read more

Sustainable Resource Policies

At the end of March 2016, the European Union FP7 research project DYNAMIX came to a close. DYNAMIX aimed at proposing policy mixes that can foster shifting the EU onto a pathway where its resource use and the associated environmental impacts decline in absolute terms... Read more

© Recreate project

The Research Network in Climate, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (RECREATE) will assess the impacts of research and innovation in Europe and beyond, as well as derive an outlook and recommendations for future research priorities in the fields of climate, resource... Read more

Research Network in Climate, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (RECREATE)

Selected publications by Mandy Hinzmann

Circular Economy


Background image by Alejo Reinoso on Unsplash

A knowledge base on the effectiveness of textile-to-textile recycling technologies The textile industry is facing the challenge of reducing its environmental footprint and social burden along global value chains. In the European Union, work is already underway to... Read more

Duhoux, Tom et al. 2021: Study on the technical, regulatory, economic and environmental effectiveness of textile fibres recycling. Final Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. European Commission: Brussels.

journal's cover

© Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – JSDEWES

Natural resource extraction and processing accounted for 23 % of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2015. Therefore, reducing resource use through resource efficiency promises significant contributions to climate protection. This "climate-resource-nexus" has mostly been... Read more

Hirschnitz-Garbers, M., Araujo Sosa, A., Hinzmann, M., Exploring perspectives on climate-resource-nexus policies: barriers and relevance in different world regions, J.sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst., 1090408, DOI:

Cover with photo of the city of Berlin

© Ecologic Institute

The innovation field of construction is a resource-relevant field in Berlin – in 2017, the construction sector accounted for about 22 percent of the raw material input of the state of Berlin. Currently, the recycling rate for mineral construction waste is around 50... Read more

Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. and Hinzmann, M. (2021). Zirkuläre Innovationen im Bereich Bauen in Berlin –Potenziale und Governance-Ansätze (Wissen. Wandel. Berlin. Report Nr. 6). Berlin: Ecologic Institute, Forschungsverbund Ecornet Berlin.

Plastic Governance & Waste Avoidance

Plastic pollution – especially the dramatic littering of the oceans – and the public concerns about it have powerfully brought the issue on the European and German political agenda. Since then, there have been a whole series of new initiatives to regulate plastics -... Read more

Mederake, Linda; Hinzmann, Mandy; Langsdorf, Susanne (2020): Hintergrundpapier: Plastikpolitik in Deutschland und der EU. Ecologic Institut: Berlin.

RECREATE Policy Brief No. 7
Ecologic Institute co-authored the RECREATE policy brief no. 7 on challenges and opportunities for national waste prevention programs. The authors state that the political framework needs to be more enabling and with further support for research and development targeted... Read more

Fischer, Susanne; Mandy Hinzmann and Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers (2017). Stepping up Waste Prevention – Challenges and Opportunities for National Waste Prevention Programmes. RECREATE Project Policy Brief No. 7.

Green Innovations

publication's first page of the pdf

© 2021 Hinzmann, Ittner, Kiresiewa and Gerdes

The subsoil could play an important role for agricultural climate adaptation strategies. It is defined as soil layers below the working depth of 30 cm. The subsoil often receives little attention in farming practice. Yet, plants extract between 10 and 80% of their... Read more

Hinzmann M, Ittner S, Kiresiewa Z and Gerdes H (2021). An Acceptance Analysis of Subsoil Amelioration Amongst Agricultural Actors in Two Regions in Germany. Front. Agron. 3:660593. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2021.660593

Hidden beneath the humus-rich topsoil, the subsoil usually receives little attention in agricultural practice. Yet, plants cover between 10 and 80% of their nutrient and water needs from subsoils. Measures to improve the subsoil could help in bridging droughts and... Read more

Frelih-Larsen, A.; Hinzmann, M.; Ittner, S. (2018). The 'Invisible' Subsoil: An Exploratory View of Societal Acceptance of Subsoil Management in Germany. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3006.


PolRess 2 – Kurzanalyse
The short analysis by Mandy Hinzmann gives an overview of the different positions on laboratory-produced artificial meat and shows the lines of argumentation of different stakeholder groups in Germany. The study is available for download. In view of the fact that... Read more

Hinzmann, Mandy (2018): Die Wahrnehmung von In-Vitro-Fleisch in Deutschland: Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Diskurse. Kurzanalyse im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik 2 (PolRess 2).

Hinzmann, M. und Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. (2015): Argumentation für nachfrageseitige Innovationspolitik aus der Perspektive der Ressourcenpolitik. Kurzanalyse 23 im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik: Analyse der ressourcenpolitischen Debatte und Entwicklung von Politikoptionen ... Read more

Hinzmann, M. und Hirschnitz-Garbers, M. (2015): Argumentation für nachfrageseitige Innovationspolitik aus der Perspektive der Ressourcenpolitik. Kurzanalyse 23 im Projekt Ressourcenpolitik: Analyse der ressourcenpolitischen Debatte und Entwicklung von Politikoptionen (PolRess).

Selected presentations by Mandy Hinzmann
© R. Stuermer, WRF2017
The World Resources Forum 2017 entitled "Accelerating the Resource Revolution" was held in Geneva from 24 to 25 October 2017. Ecologic Institute's Mandy Hinzmann presented the TRAFIS project with a lecture on "Transforming infrastructures towards sustainability -... Read more