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Asia's Opportunity to End Single-use Plastic Pollution
Global rules in a new global treaty
- Project
- Duration
No other plastic usage represents the problem of plastic pollution as much as single-use plastics (SUPs) do. They are the most common type of plastics produced, and, at the same time, the most littered in the environment. SUP consumption is booming worldwide, with Asia being no exception. On the contrary: Asia is experiencing increasing levels of SUP consumption due to rapid economic growth, urbanization, and changing consumption and production patterns including the increase of E-commerce and rising sales of processed and packaged food. Last but not least, a "sachet economy" has been established with small portions of products (e.g., instant coffee, shampoo) being sold for convenience and to target especially the large population groups with lower purchasing power.
Within the project, WWF Philippines has financed the preparation of a report on SUP pollution in Asia. This report identifies the top five problematic SUP items in Asia, outlines policy pathways to tackle the these SUPs, and discusses potential content of the new international legally binding instrument to address the most problematic SUP items.