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Hannah Brunkhorst

Hannah Brunkhorst

BA (Political Science)

Research Assistant


Hannah Brunkhorst works as a Research Assistant at Ecologic Institute, where she supports the Plastics & Environmental Pollution Team as well as the Circular Economy Team. Her main areas of interest are sustainable urban development and the energy transition. She is also interested in critical perspectives such as postcolonial theories and climate justice. Hannah Brunkhorst is a native German speaker and has very good English skills.

As part of her work, Hannah Brunkhorst is primarily involved in the project "Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!", a citizen science campaign on the plastic waste problem, and in the project "ZirTeNet", a project to promote circular textiles. She moreover contributes to the organization and evaluation of workshops, interviews, and project meetings.

Through her work in the Plastics Team, Hannah Brunkhorst is able to deepen her interest in sustainability and contribute to developing solutions for the global challenges of plastic and environmental pollution, while promoting the circular economy.

Before joining Ecologic Institute, Hannah Brunkhorst worked as a student assistant in social projects and non-profit organizations. Among other things, she supported the non-profit organization "Kulturbrücke Hamburg e. V." with project management, was involved in the tutoring project "Kompetenz Kompakt" for young refugees, and worked in a refugee facility as part of the "Helping Hands for Ukraine" project.

Hannah Brunkhorst completed her bachelor’s degree in political science (BA) at the University of Hamburg and spent an Erasmus semester at the faculty of geography at the Eötvös Larand University (ELTE) in Budapest.  She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Geographical Development Research (MSc) at the Free University of Berlin. 

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