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Transformation hin zu nachhaltigen, resilienten Infrastrukturen

Cover of a report titled 'Transformation towards sustainable, resilient infrastructures - Concepts, systematization, sustainability assessment, case studies'. It's the 55th publication of 2024 in the 'TEXTE' series, intended for the German Environment Agency. Below the title are the names of the authors from various institutions including the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development, Ecologic Institute, and the Brandenburg University of Technology.

© Umweltbundesamt 2024

Transformation hin zu nachhaltigen, resilienten Infrastrukturen

Begriffe, Systematisierung, Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung, Fallstudien


Olfert, Alfred et al. 2024: Transformation hin zu nachhaltigen, resilienten Infrastrukturen. Begriffe, Systematisierung, Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung, Fallstudien. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

This final report provides an analysis of the innovation and dissemination processes of infrastructure solutions that aim to increase sustainability and resilience. The research was conducted as part of the TRAFIS II project.

Basics and definitions

The first step was to systematize the innovative infrastructure solutions in question. Different types of infrastructure linkages and their potential to promote sustainability were examined. The report presents definitions and discussions that serve to improve the dissemination and acceptance of these solutions. Particular focus was placed on the networking of relevant stakeholders and the integration of these solutions into existing systems in order to maximize their efficiency and impact.

Political conditions and dissemination strategies

Furthermore the political conditions that can influence the dissemination of these innovative solutions were analyzed. The report highlights key approaches to support the dissemination of infrastructure innovations, such as the promotion of demonstration projects and experimental spaces, as well as the formation and support of networks. These strategies are crucial to achieve the necessary acceptance and institutional anchoring required for a sustainable transformation.

Sustainability assessment and resilience of infrastructure solutions

Finally, a special assessment tool, TRAFIS.NB, was developed and tested. The TRAFIS.NB was developed for the in-process assessment of the sustainability of infrastructure solutions. This tool makes it possible to integrate various aspects of sustainability and resilience into the planning and development phases at an early stage. The application of this tool helps to effectively assess and optimize the potential impacts and benefits of sustainable infrastructure solutions.

The report concludes with a discussion of proven dissemination strategies and offers insights into successful approaches to implementing and promoting sustainable infrastructure at local and regional levels.

The successful dissemination and implementation of innovative infrastructure solutions depends crucially on the involvement of relevant stakeholders, the creation of a supportive political framework and the use of up-to-date evaluation tools.


More content from this project

Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Alfred Olfert (IÖR)
Georg Schiller (IÖR)
Jörg Walther (BTU)
Katharina Hölscher (DRIFT)
Julia M. Wittmeyer (DRIFT)
Published in
TEXTE 55/2024
Published by
202 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Innovation, scaling, resilience, security of supply, coupled infrastructures, Trafis II, distribution pathways, climate protection, resource efficiency
Germany, Berlin, Dresden, Cottbus, Rotterdam, Augsburg, Steinfurt district, City of Augsburg
TRAFIS.NB, assessment tool, in-process sustainability assessment of infrastructure solutions, systematization of infrastructure couplings, categorization, analysis, Delphi method, expert survey, experimental spaces, demonstration projects, networking, document analysis, telephone interview, qualitative research method, analysis of data, operational understanding of resilience