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To avert the climate crisis, global greenhouse gas emissions must reach "net zero" within the space of a few decades. Ecologic Institute combines political, economic, and legal analysis to propose effective policy solutions for this challenge at all levels.

At the international level, our legal experts monitor and contribute to negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). At EU, national, regional, and local levels, our research projects produce recommendations for concrete policy instruments as well as appropriate governance and institutions for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The climate team covers most aspects of climate policy, especially at the European level. Our team has a particularly strong track record in a number of specific policy areas, such as carbon pricing (with a focus on the EU Emissions Trading System), climate laws, long-term planning, and evaluating policy effectiveness. Our team also includes experts in the fields of energy, transport, agriculture, and the circular economy.

We engage with and work for a broad range of academic organizations and stakeholders from governments, business, and civil society, co-producing solutions to manage the climate crisis. Communicating results and insights in a targeted fashion is one of the team's priorities. We strive for innovation in fostering an ongoing dialogue among key public and private actors – both online and in person – to support effective and forward-thinking climate action.

The climate team also engages in teaching, in cooperation with a number of universities. Moreover, we design our own training courses, enhancing capacity and understanding of climate change and possible solutions to audiences that include journalists and UNFCCC negotiators. We also present on a regular basis to visitor groups from around the world, explaining our understanding of EU and German policy processes. Furthermore, we have been continuously teaching courses on emissions trading for over a decade.

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal

Land Use









International Development


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Natalia Burgos Cuevas
Coordinator International Development


International Development




Matthias Duwe
Head, Climate




Nick Evans
Transatlantic Coordinator









Benjamin Görlach
Head, Economics and Policy Assessment
Senior Fellow

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure



International Development

Ewa Iwaszuk
Senior Fellow



International Development

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure





Doris Knoblauch
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Coordinator Urban & Spatial Governance
Senior Fellow




Land Use



Coastal + Marine

Hugh McDonald
Senior Fellow


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure




Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

Linda Mederake
Co-Coordinator Plastics



Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal


Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf
Head, International and European Governance
Senior Fellow



Foreign Policy


International Development



Public Diplomacy

Raffaele Piria
Senior Fellow

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal


Coastal + Marine





Arne Riedel, LLM
Coordinator Ecologic Legal
Coordinator Arctic
Senior Fellow

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal






Dr. Stephan Sina
Senior Fellow
Coordinating In-house Counsel







Eike Karola Velten
Coordinator Energy
Senior Fellow
Selected Projects for Climate

© Ecologic Institute

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change. As expressed in the European Green Deal, the challenge is to initiate the necessary transformation to climate neutrality in the coming years, while... Read more

Transformative Policies for a Climate-neutral European Union (4i-TRACTION)

The EU has specified climate neutrality as a legally binding 2050 target. This transformation requires bold policy tools that can deliver concrete results – sector-by-sector. To inspire policymakers across the EU to get active, Agora Energiewende is compiling best... Read more

Transitioning to Net Zero' Success Stories


© Cluster Trakia Economic Zone

Regional governments are key players in driving the transformation towards climate neutrality, as they are the ones who enable and implement solutions on the ground. For the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development, Ecologic Institute together with... Read more

EU Regions in the Transformation Towards a Climate-neutral Future


© Ecologic Institute

The EU has agreed to become climate neutral by 2050. Achieving climate neutrality in the next 30 years is a great societal, economic and political undertaking, presenting many challenges and opportunities. The Climate Recon 2050 project addresses the central process of... Read more

© Sandra Naumann

Ready4NetZero aims to support small- and medium-sized cities in Poland, Romania, Hungary and Croatia in the development and implementation of local strategies to reach climate neutrality. To do so, the project creates knowledge resources (written guidance) and provides... Read more
| ©Arne Riedel|CC BY-NC SA
Ecologic Legal is supporting the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in the international climate negotiations, particularly on the identification and analysis of German, EU and international negotiation positions. This project... Read more

Participants of an ETS Training Course in Jakarta, February 2020


© adelphi

The project "Capacity Building Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation" aims to disseminate knowledge on emissions trading internationally and to support partner countries in setting up national emissions trading systems. The consortium supports the Federal... Read more
| Fotolia©bluedesign
The EU has been going through a series of crises – from the Eurozone crisis and Brexit to controversies about the rule of law, democracy and migration. In response to Brexit, the EU has embarked on a process of reflection and possibly reform. As a contribution to this... Read more

© Guillaume Le Bloas | Fotolia

To fulfill its commitments under the Paris Agreement, the European Union plans to increase the ambition of its 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. As a basis for this debate, in December 2020, the EU Commission published the communication "Stepping up Europe... Read more

© Laurens Duin

The aim of this project is to assess – for a selection of EU Member States – the impacts of policies and measures (PaMs) as described in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). To this end, the project team identifies specific policy instruments and related ex... Read more
All projects on Climate
Selected Publications for Climate

© Ecologic Institute

This summary distills the insights from the technical report "Charting a Path to Net Zero: An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU" commissioned by the European Climate Foundation and written by Ecologic Institute. It summarizes the key findings and... Read more

Velten, Eike Karola, Duwe, Matthias, Evans, Nick (2022): Charting a path to net zero: An assessment of national long-term strategies in the EU. Summary. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

Cover of the scientific opinion paper "Making EU climate governance fit for net zero"

© Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

The paper "Making EU Governance Fit for Net Zero" analyses the current landscape of climate policy governance against eight core parameters at EU level and for Member States, and identifies a number of remaining weaknesses.  Improvements should address several key... Read more

Duwe, Matthias 2022: Making EU climate governance fit for net zero. An analysis of the current landscape of relevant EU climate policy processes and recommendations for alignment with the climate neutrality objective. Scientific opinion paper. Dessau-Roßlau: Federal Environment Agency.

Cover of the report "The use of auctioning revenues from the EU ETS for climate action"

© Ecologic Institute

This report analysed if and how EU Member States used their auctioning revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) for climate action. For this purpose, we selected eight case study countries, namely Czech, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland... Read more

Haase, Isabel; Eike Karola Velten, Harrison Branner, Anna Reyneri (2022) The use of auctioning revenues from the EU ETS for climate action – An analysis based on eight case studies. Technical report. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

Cover of the 4i-Traction policy brief "Making EU Climate Policy Fit for Climate Neutrality"

© Ecologic Institute

How must EU climate policymaking evolve to become transformative? This policy brief of the 4i-TRACTION project sets out conceptual hallmarks required for attaining climate neutrality in the EU. The 2020s are the pivotal decade to get on the path to climate neutrality... Read more

4i-TRACTION (2022): Making EU Climate Policy Fit for Climate Neutrality. 4i-TRACTION Policy Brief. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

Publication's cover

© European Commission

To meet its increasingly stringent emissions reduction targets, the European Union plans to extend the use of emissions trading, to also cover emissions from road transport and buildings. To understand the effects of this move, DG CLIMA commissioned a comprehensive... Read more

European Commission (ed.) 2021: Possible extension of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to cover emissions from the use of fossil fuels in particular in the road transport and the buildings sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

1st page of the summary report "Measuring progress towards climate neutrality" with logos, text and infographic

© Ecologic Institute

Achieving climate neutrality requires structural changes to our economic system, with solutions that work across sectors. Correspondingly, measuring progress and designing policy towards the EU's net zero ambition requires a framework that captures the complexity of the... Read more

Duwe, Matthias; Eike Karola Velten, Isabel Haase, Nicolas Berghmans, Nick Evans and Deyana Spasova (2021): Measuring progress towards climate neutrality. Ecologic Institute, Berlin / IDDRI, Paris

Climate governance systems in Europe: the role of national advisory bodies

© Ecologic Institute 2021

The number of scientific climate advisory bodies is growing rapidly across European countries, including the establishment of one at the EU-level. Under the right conditions, such expert councils can help governments not only make the right climate policy decisions but... Read more

Evans, Nick; Matthias Duwe (2021): 'Climate governance systems in Europe: the role of national advisory bodies'. Ecologic Institute, Berlin; IDDRI, Paris.

With both the impact of climate change on cities and the role cities play in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions becoming increasingly apparent, many cities around the world are adopting long-term climate policy strategies or vision documents outlining how they... Read more

Iwaszuk, Ewa; Mederake, Linda; Knoblauch, Doris (2019): The Transformative Potential of Local Climate Change Strategies. In: Zevi, Tobia (Ed.) The Century of Global Cities. How Urbanisation is Changing the World and Shaping our Future. Milan: Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

No two climate laws are the same, but an analysis of nine existing laws in Europe finds that most draw on a set of common design elements to streamline action, align policy goals, establish expert and public review mechanisms and monitor progress towards national... Read more

Duwe, Matthias and Evans, Nicholas (2020): Climate Laws in Europe: Good Practices in Net-Zero Management. Berlin, Den Haag.

Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission, took office today, on 1 December 2019. As one of her first proposals, she promised to propose a European Climate Law in the first 100 days of her term in office. This 'Law' is a critical step to make... Read more

Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2019: A European Climate Law – What Should It Look Like?. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.

In response to Brexit, the EU embarked on a process of reflection and possibly reform, the so-called Bratislava Process or the Process on the Future of Europe. At its meeting on 9 May 2019, the European Council was expected to draw first conclusions. As a contribution... Read more

Ecologic Institute, the Istituto Affari Internazionali, the Institute of European Environment Policies, the Climate Strategy Institute 2050 2019: The Future of the EU – the Role of Climate and Energy Policies. Conclusions.

| iStock_© TommL_M
The long-term transformation to a low-carbon economy requires innovation in technology and existing practices in all sectors of the economy. The Innovation Fund under the EU Emissions Trading System is meant to support such innovation projects in industry and energy.... Read more

Duwe, Matthias; Ostwald, Robert (2017): The Innovation Fund: how can it support low-carbon industry in Europe: Design recommendations for the successor instrument to the NER 300 in Phase 4 of the EU ETS. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

There are many promising ways in which the next EU budget could help EU Member States achieve their climate and energy targets. Explicitly targeting EU public spending towards climate could send a signal to other investors, creating a shift in financial flows. Existing... Read more

Duwe, Matthias 2018: Result Oriented Spending for the Climate: Creating strong connections between the EU budget and National Energy and Climate Plans. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

Ecologic Institute's new research paper provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of the Paris Agreement, including the agreed next steps, an outlook on implementation and key political messages. It is now available for download. Key messages are: The... Read more

Bodle, Ralph, Lena Donat and Matthias Duwe (2016). The Paris Agreement: Analysis, Assessment and Outlook. German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Research Paper. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.

Climate Change 43|2019
With the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the world of climate policy has changed, with important implications for the debate on carbon leakage. This report looks at how the risk of carbon leakage changes for different constellations of climate policy targets, how the... Read more

Görlach, Benjamin and Elizabeth Zelljadt (2019): Carbon Leakage Risks in the Post-Paris World. UBA Climate Change 43/2019. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt

A report by Ecologic Institute and Climact shows that the draft National Energy and Climate Plans presented by governments at the start of 2019 are in acute need of improvement. They suffer from inadequate targets and insufficient details on the policies and financing... Read more

Duwe, Matthias; Eike Karola Velten, Nick Evans, Mona Freundt, Julien Pestiaux, Benoît Martin, Pascal Vermeulen (2019): Planning for net-zero: Assessing the Draft National Energy and Climate Plans. Berlin, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruessels.

All publications on Climate
Selected Events for Climate

Photo taken by Paula Schöberlein

The EU's toolbox on climate action has been significantly expanded since the adoption of the Paris Agreement: targets have been increased and the climate neutrality goal is legally binding. New planning processes have been started and new institutions created. And with... Read more

Conference:Charting a Path Towards EU Climate Neutrality in Turbulent Times

Brussels, Belgium
The Ecologic Institute and the European Climate Foundation (ECF) hold an online conference on the forthcoming EU Climate Law. The European Commission's proposal for a European climate law was discussed  with insight from experts and policy-makers and followed up by... Read more
Group photo of the Participants of the ICAP virtual ETS Seminar 2021

Group photo of the Participants of the ICAP virtual ETS Seminar 2021


© Benjamin Görlach

Around the world, an increasing number of countries implement emissions trading systems as a cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the beginning of 2021, around 17 % of world’s emissions are covered by ETS. In Southeast Asia, several countries have... Read more

Digital Event:ICAP Virtual Seminar on Emissions Trading in Southeast Asia


○ A Climate Neutral Europe

On 26 March 2021 the Climate Recon 2050 Platform hosted an online debate with the European Commission and national government experts, discussing the impact of the climate neutrality target on EU climate policy and national planning processes. The virtual discussion,... Read more

Digital Event:A Climate Neutral Europe by 2050

In December 2020, European leaders agreed to tighten the 2030 climate target. Emissions are now to be at least 55% lower by 2030 than in 1990. By the middle of the century, the EU economy is to be climate neutral. The necessary transformation also affects the energy... Read more

Digital Event:Carbon Contracts for Difference for Industrial Transformation - Online Event Series

Online, Germany
Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze | Foto: Stefan Röhl
The final event of the dialogue forum "Wirtschaft macht Klimaschutz" took place on 11 March 2020 at the Turbinenhalle in Berlin. Over the past two years, representatives from more than 100 companies have jointly developed ideas, projects and concrete steps to promote... Read more

Conference:Business Mitigates Climate Change – Final Event of the Dialogue Forum

Berlin, Germany
Required by the EU Governance Regulation, National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) form the basis of the near-term European effort to combat the climate crisis and signal both the speed and direction of the transition to a low-carbon economy. The road to net zero... Read more
On Wednesday, 12 December 2018, Ecologic Institute, Energiaklub, and Negawatt hosted a side-event at the COP24 on behalf of the project ClimateRecon 2050 to present specific examples of long-term strategies in Europe. Long-term strategies play a major role in... Read more
All events on Climate
Selected Presentations for Climate

Screenshot taken by the speaker

A few days after the US and Germany agreed to launch a new climate and energy partnership, Dr. Bausch (Director of Ecologic Institute) and Samantha Gross (Director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings) were invited to discuss new dynamics,... Read more

Panel discussion:Transatlantic Climate Cooperation under President Biden


Photo: Ewa Iwaszuk

With around 75% of EU population living in urban areas, cites will play a key role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing vulnerability to impacts of climate change and building resilience. Multifunctional nature-based solutions can be a powerful tool to jointly... Read more


Countries around the world are considering the introduction of national framework laws to make their climate policy more effective. A debate is underway in Israel on the adoption of such a climate law, to establish a clear institutional set-up and regular processes for... Read more

Speech:Professionalizing Climate Policy

Senator Bernie Sanders invited some of the most prominent voices in America to the US Congress to discuss how to handle the increasing threat of climate change. Dr. Camilla Bausch of Ecologic Institute reflected on global trends in the field of energy, climate policy,... Read more

Panel discussion:Solving our Climate Crisis: Dr. Bausch at Senator Bernie Sanders' National Town Hall Meeting in Washington DC

Washington, DC, United States
Dr. Camilla Bausch | © Martin Stollberg/Zukunft Altbau
How is the Paris Agreement relevant for people active in the building sector? What can and should architects, energy consultants, or installers contribute to achieving the goals of this international climate agreement? Dr. Camilla Bausch of Ecologic Institute tried to... Read more

Speech:From Knowledge to Action: Global climate protection and local action

Stuttgart, Germany
Climate change and artificial intelligence (AI) are two intensely debated topics, but mostly treated by separate communities. While climate change is one of the most urgent and pressing challenges the world is facing, AI is creating new opportunities for all sectors,... Read more
The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Àerea Metropolitanade Barcelona (AMB) invited Doris Knoblauch from Ecologic Institute to speak at the workshop "Metropolitan Challenges in the post 2020 European Union" in Barcelona (Spain), on 10 March 2020... Read more

Speech:What Does the European Green Deal Mean for Cities and Metropolitan Areas?

Barcelona, Spain
With more than 1500 participants in the live stream and via YouTube, the online webinar "Saving the climate with knife and fork? How our eating habits affect the environment" on 18 May 2020 was a complete success. Together, Tanja Dräger de Teran (WWF) and Stephanie... Read more

Speech:Food and Climate Protection

Berlin, Germany
| Kendel Hippolyte, Arne Riedel und Daniela Seel © gezett
Instances of extreme temperatures and hurricanes are increasing in number and frequency. Polar ice masses are withdrawing further, rising sea levels are flooding first inhabited islands in the Pacific. Climate change is threatening mankind. What do two degrees Celsius... Read more

Panel discussion:Poetry Talk: World Climate Summit of Poetry

Berlin, Germany
All presentations on Climate