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Dialogue on Pathways and Policies for a Climate-neutral EU (Climate Recon 2050)

© Ecologic Institute

Dialogue on Pathways and Policies for a Climate-neutral EU (Climate Recon 2050)


The EU has agreed to become climate neutral by 2050. Achieving climate neutrality in the next 30 years is a great societal, economic and political undertaking, presenting many challenges and opportunities. The Climate Recon 2050 project addresses the central process of the development and implementation of national long-term climate strategies in EU Member States. The project combines analysis with dialogue to inform political debate.

The overarching objective of the project is to support national long-term climate-planning frameworks and the implementation of national long-term climate strategies (LTCSs), while contributing to the harmonisation of long-term climate action across the EU. The project aims to achieve these objectives by:

  • Organising dialogue workshops for government experts, supported by targeted topical inputs
  • Undertaking targeted comparative analysis of selected national LTCSs in the project's target regions, located across the Central and South Eastern Europe
  • Creating opportunities for cooperation between relevant stakeholders by organizing regional seminars in the target regions
  • Conducting outreach activities incl. virtual debates, public-facing events and online communication

This project builds on the achievements of an EUKI-funded Climate Recon 2050 project, implemented between 2017 and 2019. The project created a community of policymakers and technical experts working on national long-term climate strategies representing over 20 institutions in 16 EU Member States. The Climate Recon 2050 platform continues to serve as a forum for knowledge exchange and provides opportunities for capacity building among its community members.

The Climate Recon 2050 project is supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Ministry for the Environment and the European Climate Foundation. The project is led by Ecologic Institute and is implemented together with four partners, research institutes and think-tanks from across the EU.


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Isabel Haase
Clara Deniz Oldenburg
Project ID
long-term climate strategies, NECPs, National Energy and Climate Plans, EU, European Union, climate, strategy, 2050, long-term, decarbonization, CO2, Paris Agreement, Article 4.19, emissions reductions, greenhouse gas emissions, GHG, carbon budget, governance, mainstreaming, climate and energy goals, member states, policymakers, climate action
Europe, Central and Eastern Europe
dialogue, knowledge sharing, webinars, side events at UNFCCC meetings