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Capacity Building on Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation 2021-2022

Participants of an ETS Training Course in Jakarta, February 2020


© adelphi

Capacity Building on Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation 2021-2022


The project "Capacity Building Emissions Trading to Support Bilateral Cooperation" aims to disseminate knowledge on emissions trading internationally and to support partner countries in setting up national emissions trading systems. The consortium supports the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety's bilateral activities in the field of capacity development and training on emissions trading. Former and current cooperation partners include Brazil, China, Chile, Kazakhstan, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine.

The consortium of adelphi, Ecologic Institute, FutureCamp and Öko-Institut e.V. provides the following services:

  • Production of information and teaching materials on emissions trading;
  • Design and implementation of information events, training courses, study trips, technical workshops and delegation visits;
  • Dedicated advice for foreign experts in Germany and in selected target countries that have decided to introduce an emissions trading system

More information can be found on the project website.

This project supports Germany's bilateral cooperation and assistance in the field of Emissions Trading by providing a suite of training and advisory services


Jan-Erik Thie
Project ID
Capacity Building, Emission Trading, ETS