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ETS Training and Capacity Building Activities under the Auspices of ICAP

Participants in an ICAP master's course on emissions trading in Lisbon in 2017



ETS Training and Capacity Building Activities under the Auspices of ICAP


Under this contract, the Ecologic Institute continues its programme of ETS training and capacity building activities implemented under the auspices of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), supported by the European Commission. In an Ecologic-led consortium with ICF and Get2C, the programme seeks to provide participants from developing countries and emerging economies with knowledge to develop and implement emissions trading as a cost-effective policy instrument to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through a suite of formats, the project aims to improve local skills and expertise in the target countries, and thus to enable the establishment of emission trading systems. The different events types include:

  1. Summer Schools, regional Training Courses and Master Classes: These two-week events provide participants with a comprehensive in-depth training on the design and implementation of emissions trading systems, tailored for different target groups and audiences with or without prior knowledge;
  2. International alumni conference targeted at the network of alumni from the ICAP Summer Schools and Training Courses implemented since 2009;
  3. Smaller and more focused training activities in the form of regional workshops, seminars and a webinar series.

For the implementation of the training courses, the project consortium will build on the approach and structure that was developed and refined in the course of 18 ICAP training courses since 2009 in different formats. Therefore, they cover all the central elements related to the design and functioning of emission trading system, including the theoretical background, basic design elements, and details of their administrative and regulatory implementation, but also political and technical challenges in the implementation process, expected (positive and negative) impacts, the importance of stakeholder involvement, compliance aspects for covered entities, and market dynamics and analysis.

The alumni conference will serve to reinvigorate the network of ICAP alumni that have participated in the 18 training courses, to facilitate better and ongoing sharing of their ETS expertise, including through in-depth, technical discussions on the state of ETS design and implementation in their home countries, to strengthen existing networks and build new connections, and thus to intensify and renew the "ICAP experience".

The smaller and more focused training activities in the form of workshops, seminars and webinars complement the training courses in different ways. They allow focusing on different target groups, including those for whom a two-week commitment for the standard training course represent too high a hurdle, but also those with a narrower and more specific training need. Further, they can complement by addressing specific training needs and topic interests which have been identified inter alia during the training courses. Webinars, in addition, allow covering contemporary issues from the world of emissions trading in greater detail. They feature both outstanding ETS experts, prominent alumni from training courses, and veteran ETS experts who have appeared in previous training courses. 

Overall, the project comprises the implementation of 12 webinars, three workshops and two seminars as well as two training courses and two summer schools. Originally, most of these events were planned as physical events in different locations around the world. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the events are being re-designed as online trainings.

With this project, the Ecologic Institute continues its programme of training and capacity building for emissions trading under the auspices of ICAP.


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webinar, workshop, seminar, training course, summer school, online training