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Momentum on Long-Term Climate Strategies: Where We Are in Europe? – Side Event from the Climate Recon 2050 Project at COP24

Momentum on Long-Term Climate Strategies: Where We Are in Europe? – Side Event from the Climate Recon 2050 Project at COP24

Katowice, Poland
Istvan Bart (Energiaklub)

On Wednesday, 12 December 2018, Ecologic Institute, Energiaklub, and Negawatt hosted a side-event at the COP24 on behalf of the project ClimateRecon 2050 to present specific examples of long-term strategies in Europe.

Long-term strategies play a major role in achieving the Paris Agreement's objectives. As existing policy structures do not always include long-range perspectives, 2050 strategies offer a useful instrument to create a coherent plan for a necessary climate-neutral transformation. In the EU, the development of such strategies is a legal obligation for all Member States (MS) – with the deadline 1 January 2020.

The aim of this event was to provide an overview of common themes of long-term strategies and present the diversity of experiences with the elaboration of various EU MS long-term climate strategies.

At the side event, Matthias Duwe presented the results of the ClimateRecon2050 project on the status of the long-term climate strategies of EU member states (more information here).

Representatives from Estonia, Germany, and Portugal recalled highlights from their respective national processes and discuss them with the audience. The panelists discussed the challenges and opportunities connected to the strategy preparation process. Drawing on their experiences and lessons learned, the panelists shared their advice for successful strategy preparation. The panelists emphasized the value of broad stakeholder dialogue and citizen consultation, and the importance of incorporating the gathered inputs and advice, and appropriately communicating the consultation process. Moreover, the policymakers pointed to the benefit of establishing an ambitious target first and using it as a starting point to stakeholder discussion. Finally, the panelists indicated that involving the highest office of the state in the strategy preparation process is essential to ensure coordination and buy-in into the strategy and its goals, across the government. The panelists commented on the role that the EU’s long-term climate strategy will play, especially as a strong signal on ambition levels and direction for the countries that are yet to formulate their strategies.


Keynote: Matthias Duwe, Ecologic Institute


Estonia: Getlyn Denks, Head of Climate Department, Ministry of the Environment

Portugal Eduardo Santos, Director of Climate Change Department, Environment Agency

Germany: Ilka Wagner, Deputy Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Ministry of the Environment

Moderator: Istvan Bart, Energiaklub.

The recording of the event is available online.

The project is funded under the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).

12 December 2018, 11:30 a.m. – Room Pieniny – with live broadcast


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Istvan Bart (Energiaklub)
Theresa Stoll
Katowice, Poland
Project ID
Long-term climate strategies, NECPs, National Energy and Climate Plans, EU, climate, European Union, strategy, 2050, long-term, decarbonisation, CO2, modelling, scenarios, Paris Agreement, Article 4.19, mitigation, greenhouse gas emissions, GHG, carbon budget, coal, renewable energy, solar energy, governance, planning, mainstreaming, climate and energy targets, Member States, policymakers, Energy Union, Article 14, transformation, ambition, transition, energy security, climate protection, dialogue, exchange, platform, knowledge exchange, webinar, side event at UNFCCC meeting
Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Estonia, France, Portugal