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Think 2030: Science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe

Think 2030 conference. Photo: © Harvey Jones (IEEP)

Think 2030: Science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe

Brussels, Belgium

Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, Think 2030 conference has launched a new sustainability platform, which aims to inform a science-based agenda for European environmental policy beyond 2020 and propose solutions to Europe's most pressing sustainability issues. Ecologic Institute's Matthias Duwe co-authored a paper on long-term climate planning in the EU together with Lola Vallejo (IDDRI). The paper was discussed during a dedicated session, where Matthias Duwe served as a rapporteur. A summary of the paper is also available.

The conference happened over two days in Brussels. During the first day dedicated to stakeholder consultation and research community engagement, thank tanks, NGOs, civil society organisations, progressive business, as well as local authorities, discussed policy papers produced by the research community. On the second day, policy recommendations were presented to MEPs, who discussed how the next European Parliament and Commission should address Europe's environmental challenges.

The discussed topics covered a broad range of environmental and sustainability issues including climate change mitigation and clean growth, biodiversity, circular economy and bio-resources, sustainable consumption and agricultural policy, oceans and marine policy as well as overarching issues such as security and financing.

Ecologic Institute's Matthias Duwe has co-authored a paper on long-term climate planning in the EU together with Lola Vallejo of IDDRI. The contribution, titled "Think 2050, Act 2020: Bringing European ambition and policies in line with the Paris Agreement" was discussed by a variety of stakeholders during a dedicated session, where Matthias Duwe served as a rapporteur. A summary of the paper is also available.

R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institute's Founder and Director Emeritus moderated a session on "A resource efficient, low carbon and competitive economy: how to secure clean growth for the EU?" which discussed a position paper prepared by Nick Molho and Alex White of Aldersgate Group. A draft summary is also available.

Science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe


R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College

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