Planning for 2050 – Conference
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
- Speaker
The conference "Planning for 2050", organised by Ecologic Institute, will take place on 23 May 2019 in Brussels. It takes stock of the experience with long-term climate strategies gained in Europe and presents lessons learnt as well as challenges encountered in different Member States – and seeks to connect them to the EU's own overall 2050 vision. It is based on insights, conversations and contacts made through a set of dialogue meetings held under the "Climate Recon 2050" project, which brought together policymakers and technical experts involved in long-term strategies from around the EU. A conference brochure, summarising insights from the Climate Recon 2050 project, is available online.
The conference will bring together a range of relevant stakeholders (governments, civil society, business) in an innovative setting, with space for interaction and feedback. The agenda [pdf, 603 kB, English] is available for download. Participation is limited – early registration is advised.
At the end of 2019, all EU Member States must have a national long-term climate strategy. Around half of them have already undertaken such 2050 planning exercises in recent years to help put them on a path towards drastic emission reductions. In fact, some are already reviewing existing strategies – increasing their ambition in the wake of the Paris Agreement.
In November 2018, the Commission published a proposal for the EU-wide long-term strategy, calling it a "European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy". This proposal is now under debate among Member States – and was a topic of conversation at the "Future of Europe" summit in Sibiu in May. The European Parliament has already endorsed the vision in a resolution adopted mid-March.