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Long-term Climate Strategies in Europe: Experience from National and EU-wide 2050 Climate Planning


Long-term Climate Strategies in Europe: Experience from National and EU-wide 2050 Climate Planning


Matthias Duwe and Ewa Iwaszuk, Ecologic Institute. 2019. "LTS in Europe: Experience from National and EUwide 2050 Climate Planning."

This case study, prepared by Ecologic Institute and published by World Resources Institute (WRI) describes the status quo and relevant recent developments at the EU and national levels on long-term climate strategies, detailing relevant insights on legal obligations, specific features, existing challenges, and potential future processes. Planning for 2050 is a core strand of debate in the European Union at present, focusing on a long-term EU objective and a strategy to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by 2020. In parallel, all EU Member States are also developing national strategies, resulting in a wealth of experience but also a set of disjointed strategies, which will need alignment and integration, with each other and with the EU level. The case study, written by Ecologic Institute's Matthias Duwe and Ewa Iwaszuk, is available for download.


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15 pp.
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Long-term climate strategies, NECPs, National Energy and Climate Plans, EU, climate, European Union, strategy, 2050, long-term, decarbonisation, CO2, modelling, scenarios, Paris Agreement, Article 4.19, mitigation, greenhouse gas emissions, GHG, carbon budget, coal, renewable energy, solar energy, governance, planning, mainstreaming, climate and energy targets, Member States, policymakers, Energy Union, Article 14, transformation, ambition, transition, energy security, climate protection