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Raffaele Piria

Raffaele Piria

MSc (European Politics and Policy)
MA (Political Science)

Senior Fellow


Raffaele Piria joined Ecologic Institute as a Senior Fellow in 2023, with more than 20 years of experience in energy and climate policy at the European and international level. A political scientist with a fondness for economic, technical, legal and social issues, Raffaele has a comprehensive view of strategic issues related to the European and global energy transition. He is an experienced project manager, with a strong track record as a leader of international consortia,and enjoys bridging the gap between theory and praxis, as well as between people with different backgrounds, interests and points of view. He is fluent in English, German and Italian and has a good working knowledge of French and Spanish.

At Ecologic Institute, Raffaele currently leads a project on behalf of the Environmental Defense Fund Europe to bring forward EU Policies to reduce methane and hydrogen emissions from the energy sector. He led a project on GHG accounting methodologies, standards and certification for green hydrogen on behalf of the International PtX Hub, for which he authored a detailed analysis of the EU requirements for renewable hydrogen and its derivatives and held presentations in workshops with stakeholders from    Algeria, Chile, Colombia, India, Jordan, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Uruguay and Vietnam. Furthermore, he led a project for the  Climate Neutrality Foundation, which aimed to rethink Germany's international energy, climate, and resource partnerships to prepare them for a resilient transition to climate neutrality.

Before joining Ecologic Institute,Raffaele had been for six years the leader of a consortium implementing Germany's energy partnerships with the USA, Canada and Australia on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. In this function, he has been instrumental in facilitating the establishment of the Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance, launched by Minister Habeck and Minister Wilkinson in August 2022.

Raffaele's extensive list of publications covers diverse aspects of climate and energy policy besides those mentioned above, ranging from hydrogen import security to offshore wind deployment, from the comparative analysis of power systems in Germany and the USA to the coal discourse in Czechia, Germany and Poland, from a contribution to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report to a recent article on Elsevier's Energy Policy on the acceptance of different ways of using the revenues from carbon pricing.

During the early stages of his career, Raffaele worked in Brussels for eight years, including as advisor to Claude Turmes, who was then a newly elected Member of the European Parliament's Green Party group and later became Minister for Energy in Luxembourg. As Secretary General and Policy Director of the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation, Raffaele's advocacy work was instrumental in enshrining renewable heating and cooling into the EU Renewable Energy Directive, a piece of legislation Raffaele is still working on today. After moving to Berlin in 2008, Raffaele worked as Director for International Business Development at Solarpraxis, before starting a new career in think tanks. Prior to joining Ecologic Institute, he had been working as Senior Advisor at adelphi for eight years.

Raffaele holds an MSc in European Politics and Policy from the London School of Economics and an MA (Diplom) in political science from the Freie Universität Berlin, where he graduated with a thesis on EU freight transport policy. He grew up in Milan, where he attended Liceo Classico Cesare Beccaria, majoring in Philosophy, Ancient Greek and Latin.

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Selected projects by Raffaele Piria

W.carter, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

This project, funded by the Environmental Defense Fund Europe, identifies and develops EU policy opportunities to mitigate methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) emissions from the energy sector. Methane is a highly impacting greenhouse gas, second only to CO2. CH4... Read more

Hydrogen station in the HafenCity in Hamburg


C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 /

The climate neutrality targets adopted by an increasing number of countries imply the full decarbonization of the entire economy, including the hard-to-abate sectors (such as aviation, long distance shipping, steel, glass, fertilizers and other chemicals) where green... Read more

Ouarzazate Solar Power Station


Richard Allaway, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In this research and dialogue project on behalf of the Climate Neutrality Foundation, Ecologic Institute analyzes the complex landscape of Germany's bilateral and plurilateral partnerships in the fields of energy, climate and raw materials, with a focus on partnerships... Read more
Selected publications by Raffaele Piria
Cover of the report "EU requirements for renewable hydrogen and its derivates"


This briefing, co-authored by Raffaele Piria (Ecologic Institute), analyzes the contents of the two Commission Delegated Regulations (CDR, also known as delegated acts) adopted by the European Commission on 10 February 2023 and entered in force in June 2023: CDR 2023... Read more

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (ed.) 2023: EU Requirements for Renewable Hydrogen and its Derivatives.

Implications of CBAM for PtX imports to the EU

Cover page of a report titled "EXPLAINING THE NEW EU CARBON BORDER ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (CBAM)" in large white letters on a green background. Below is the subtitle "Implications for PtX imports to the EU". The background features an isometric graphic of industrial symbols and elements associated with energy production and trade. At the top of the page, logos of supporting organizations are displayed: International PtX Hub, the Federal BMWK, International Climate Hub etc.

© GIZ 2023

This report discusses on the implications of the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for imports of PtX products to the EU. PtX means essentially hydrogen based on electrolysis and its derivates. After providing an overview of the CBAM mechanism, its... Read more

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (ed.) 2023: Explaining the new EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Implications for PtX imports to the EU.

Cover of the Ecologic report "Developing Germany’s Partnerships for Transformation. How can Germany’s Energy, Climate, Development and Raw Materials Partnerships become more transformative for a resilient transition to climate neutrality"

© Ecologic Institute

Against the backdrop of an accelerating climate crisis and the need for transformative change to limit global warming to the targets agreed upon in the Paris Agreement, bilateral and plurilateral partnerships have emerged as a promising instrument for international... Read more

Piria, Raffaele and Leon Martini (2023): Developing Germany’s Partnerships for Transformation. How can Germany’s Energy, Climate, Development and Raw Materials Partnerships become more transformative for a resilient transition to climate neutrality. Ecologic Institute, Berlin

Insights into the acceptance and perceptions of particularly burdened groups

screenshot first page of the article "Using the revenues from carbon pricing - Insights into the acceptance and perceptions of particularly burden groups"

© 2023 Elsevier

Carbon pricing is a policy instrument that is very popular with researchers and many policy makers as well. To be implemented effectively, it requires widespread acceptance by society. This paper presents an empirical study carried out in Germany directly before the... Read more

Dütschke, Elisabeth et al. 2023: Using the revenues from carbon pricing – Insights into the acceptance and perceptions of particularly burdened groups, Energy Policy, Volume 175.

Raffaele Piria Ariadne Analysis

© ARIADNE project

This paper is a slight adaptation of the German-language analysis "Wasserstoffimportsicherheit für Deutschland – Zeitliche Entwicklung, Risiken und Strategien auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität", published in December 2021. The analysis takes a close look at Germany’s... Read more

Piria, Raffaele et al. 2022: Securing hydrogen imports for Germany: Import needs, risks and strategies on the way to climate neutrality. Ariadne-Analysis.


Raffaele Piria Tagesspiegel Artikel Wasserstoff

© Tagesspiegel 2023

The future will increasingly be about hydrogen import security, writes Raffaele Piria in this article published in the Tagesspiegel. On the way to climate neutrality, the risk landscape will change fundamentally. Germany must prepare for this with determination and... Read more

Piria, Raffaele 2021: Heute beim Wasserstoff die Energiesicherheit von morgen vorbereiten. In: Tagesspiegel Background Energie & Klima. Verlag Der Tagesspiegel. Berlin.

1st page of the report "Critical Review of the IPHE Working Paper “Methodology for Determining the GHG emissions associated with the Production of hydrogen”"

© adelphi and Oeko-Institut

Piria, Raffaele 2021 : Critical Review of the IPHE Working Paper "Methodology for Determining the GHG Emissions Associated with the Production of Hydrogen". adelphi, Oeko-Institut, Berlin, October 2021. ... Read more

Piria, Raffaele 2021 : Critical Review of the IPHE Working Paper "Methodology for Determining the GHG Emissions Associated with the Production of Hydrogen". adelphi, Oeko-Institut, Berlin, October 2021.

Piria Wasserstoff Kanda adelphi

© 2021 adelphi

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, looks at energy policy and energy industry developments and debates on hydrogen in Canada and highlights potential for cooperation with Germany. There is a broad consensus that Germany will need to import significant... Read more

Teichmann, Franziska et al. 2021: Wasserstoff in Kanada. Status Quo, Debatten und Potenziale. adelphi consult. Berlin.

Piria Wasserstoff USA adelphi

© 2021 adelphi

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, analyzes energy industry and policy developments on hydrogen in the U.S. and develops an agenda for cooperation between Germany and the U.S. in this area. With 12 to 16 percent of global production, the U.S. is the second... Read more

Raffaele Piria, Franziska Teichmann, Jens Honnen, Jakob Eckardt 2021: Wasserstoff in den USA: Potenziale, Diskurs, Politik und transatlantische Kooperation. Berlin: adelphi.

Cover of the report "Offshore wind deployment in Germany"

© adelphi

Piria, Raffaele; Magdalena Magosch and Jakob Eckardt 2020: Offshore Wind Deployment in Germany. Facts and Policy Lessons. Berlin: adelphi. ... Read more

Piria, Raffaele; Magdalena Magosch and Jakob Eckardt 2020: Offshore Wind Deployment in Germany. Facts and Policy Lessons. Berlin: adelphi.

Cover of the analysis "Grüner Wasserstoff: Internationale Kooperationspotenziale für Deutschland"

© dena, GIZ, Navigant, adelphi

Jensterle, Miha et al. 2020: Grüner Wasserstoff: Internationale Kooperationspotenziale für Deutschland. Kurzanalyse zu ausgewählten Aspekten potenzieller Nicht-EU-Partnerländer. Berlin: adelphi, dena, GIZ, Navigant. ... Read more

Jensterle, Miha et al. 2020: Grüner Wasserstoff: Internationale Kooperationspotenziale für Deutschland. Kurzanalyse zu ausgewählten Aspekten potenzieller Nicht-EU-Partnerländer. adelphi, dena, GIZ, Navigant, Berlin.

Piria Wasserstoffdebatte Australien adelphi

© 2019 adelphi

A rare consensus has emerged in Australia's otherwise highly polarized energy policy: The development of a hydrogen export industry represents an overlap of interests between more progressive and more conservative groups. Divergences exist, however, with respect to... Read more

Teichmann, Franziska und Raffaele Piria 2019: Die Wasserstoffdebatte in Australien. Berlin: adelphi consult GmbH.

Cover of the overview "Überblick über die australische Energiepolitik"

© adelphi

Magosch, Magdalena, Raffaele Piria, Jakob Eckardt 2019: Überblick über die australische Energiepolitik. Berlin: adelphi/RAP. ... Read more

Magosch, Magdalena, Raffaele Piria, Jakob Eckardt (2019): Überblick über die australische Energiepolitik. Berlin: adelphi/RAP.

Piria New England Energiepolitik adelphi

© 2019 adelphi

New England is a leader within the U.S. in climate and energy policy. States in the region have partly ambitious emission reduction targets, promote renewable energies and are pioneers in US energy efficiency policy. The current focus in New England's energy policy... Read more

Teichmann, Franziska et al. 2019: Energiepolitik in der Region New England. Berlin: adelphi consult GmbH.

1st page of the briefing note "Power systems in the 2020s: What can Germany and the PJM region learn from each other?"

© The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Hogan, Michael; Frederick Weston and Raffaele Piria 2018: Power systems in the 2020s: What can Germany and the PJM region learn from each other? Briefing note for the Germany – PJM States Energy Trends Forum. The Regulatory Assistance Project, Montpellier Vermont, USA. ... Read more

Hogan, Michael; Frederick Weston and Raffaele Piria 2018: Power systems in the 2020s: What can Germany and the PJM region learn from each other? Briefing note for the Germany – PJM States Energy Trends Forum. The Regulatory Assistance Project, Montpellier Vermont, USA.

Piria CCA adelphi report

© Jessica Tovar, Local Clean Energy Alliance 2018

The concept of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) allows municipalities in some U.S. states to act as electricity suppliers to their residents. By aggregating electricity demand, it is hoped that better prices can be obtained. In addition, such municipal CCAs argue that... Read more

Piria, Raffaele et al. 2018: Community Choice Aggregation. Kommunen in Kalifornien und anderen US-Bundesstaaten werden als CCA zum Stromver-sorger. Berlin: adelphi/RAP.

Piria Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule Trump adelphi

© 2018, adelphi

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, analyzes the energy market policies under Trump and the lively debate around it. The Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule was proposed by former U.S. president Trump's Energy Secretary Rick Perry in September 2017. The goal was to... Read more

Piria, Raffaele et al. 2018: Die Debatte zur Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule – Strommarktpolitik unter Präsident Trump. Berlin: adelphi consult GmbH/RAP.

Piria Energieeffizienzpolitik USA adelphi

© 2017, adelphi

In the United States, there are no explicit goals at the federal level to limit or even reduce final energy consumption or the use of fossil fuels in the future. Nevertheless, many measures have been taken in recent years to increase energy efficiency. Some U.S. states,... Read more

Piria, Raffaele et al. 2017: Überblick über die Energieeffizienzpolitik in den USA. Berlin: adelphi/RAP.

Raffaele Piria Nuclear Fleet Springer Book

© Springer 2014

Piria, Raffaele (2014): Paying to Produce: The Nuclear Fleet Facing the Erosion of Baseload. In: Brunnergräber A. & Di Nucci M.R (eds): Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 413-427. Aug 1, 2014. ... Read more

Piria, Raffaele (2014): Paying to Produce: The Nuclear Fleet Facing the Erosion of Baseload. In: Brunnergräber A. & Di Nucci M.R (eds): Im Hürdenlauf zur Energiewende. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 413-427. Aug 1, 2014.

Piria Nuclear Industry Status Report

© Noëlle Papay 2014

"The 2014 World Nuclear Industry Status Report brings clear, careful, honest, and transparent reporting to a topic often obscured by spin and wishful thinking. Any serious student of this complex industry will reach first for this admirable volume." Amory B... Read more

Schneider, Michael et al. 2014: The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014. Mycle Schneider Consulting, Paris, London, Washington.

The German energy transition impacts neighbouring countries; however this fact has yet to be adequately addressed in Germany. This study aims to shed light on the situation and facilitate bridge building between neighbors. It builds on the insights of German, Polish and... Read more

Piria, Raffaele et al. 2014: Greening the Heartlands of Coal in Europe. Insights from a Czech-German-Polish Dialogue on Energy Issues. Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Cover of the report "Integration of electricity from renewables to the electricity grid and to the electricity market"

© eclareon, Oeko-Institut

Binda Zane, Edoardo; R. Brückmann, D. Bauknecht, F. Jirouš, R. Piria, N. Trennepohl, J. Bracker, R, Frank and J. Herling (2012): Integration of electricity from renewables to the electricity grid and to the electricity market – RES-INTEGRATION. Öko-Institut &... Read more

Binda Zane, Edoardo; R. Brückmann, D. Bauknecht, F. Jirouš, R. Piria, N. Trennepohl, J. Bracker, R, Frank and J. Herling (2012): Integration of electricity from renewables to the electricity grid and to the electricity market – RES-INTEGRATION. Öko-Institut & eclareon, Freiburg/Berlin.

Selected presentations by Raffaele Piria

© Ecologic Institute

After years of intense debate, the EU requirements for renewable hydrogen and its derivates entered into force in June 2023. The Commission Delegated Regulation (CDR) 2023/1184 contains detailed rules on the conditions under which electricity used to produce hydrogen... Read more

Speech:Background and Context for the EU Hydrogen Certification Rules and Procedures

Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Namibia, South Africa, Kenya, Algeria, India, Vietnam, Jordan