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Community Choice Aggregation

Piria CCA adelphi report

© Jessica Tovar, Local Clean Energy Alliance 2018

Community Choice Aggregation

Kommunen in Kalifornien und anderen US-Bundesstaaten werden als CCA zum Stromversorger


Piria, Raffaele et al. 2018: Community Choice Aggregation. Kommunen in Kalifornien und anderen US-Bundesstaaten werden als CCA zum Stromver-sorger. Berlin: adelphi/RAP.

The concept of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) allows municipalities in some U.S. states to act as electricity suppliers to their residents. By aggregating electricity demand, it is hoped that better prices can be obtained. In addition, such municipal CCAs argue that they allow more local control over pricing and the composition of the electricity mix. Many CCAs explicitly offer green power models that go beyond federal policy requirements.

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, provides an overview of how CCAs work and of their legal framework, and discusses their objectives. The second part of the study takes a closer look at the special case of California: the new competition in the retail market, the spread of CCAs, their relationship to the previous monopolists in electricity supply, and effects on the regulatory framework are discussed by the authors.

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) allows municipalities to act as electricity suppliers to their residents. It is hoped that the concept leads to better prices and more green power models.


Magdalena Magosch (adelphi consult)
Andreas Jahn (Regulatory Assistance Project RAP)
Published by
23 pp.
Communes, electricity, energy supply, energy policy
California, USA