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Wasserstoff in den USA

Piria Wasserstoff USA adelphi

© 2021 adelphi

Wasserstoff in den USA

Potenziale, Diskurs, Politik und transatlantische Kooperation


Raffaele Piria, Franziska Teichmann, Jens Honnen, Jakob Eckardt 2021: Wasserstoff in den USA: Potenziale, Diskurs, Politik und transatlantische Kooperation. Berlin: adelphi.

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, analyzes energy industry and policy developments on hydrogen in the U.S. and develops an agenda for cooperation between Germany and the U.S. in this area.

With 12 to 16 percent of global production, the U.S. is the second-largest producer and consumer of hydrogen after China. As of 2021, the U.S. is experiencing a turnaround in energy and climate policy: President Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement - decarbonizing the power sector by 2035 and making it carbon-neutral by 2050. The focus will be more than before on sectors that are difficult to decarbonize and thus also on hydrogen.

In addition to the foreign policy discourse, there are many opportunities for cooperation between Germany and the U.S. in the field of hydrogen. For example, joint development and testing of technologies for ship transportation, value chain feasibility studies or collaboration on scaling technology markets. Yet, the course for future transatlantic green hydrogen trade still has to be set. Find more on hydrogen in the U.S., potentials, discourses, policies, and transatlantic cooperation opportunities in the study.

There are many opportunities for cooperation between Germany and the U.S. in the field of hydrogen!


Franziska Teichmann
Jens Honnen
Jakob Eckardt
Published by
62 pp.
Hydrogen, energy security, energy import, climate, energy policy
USA, Germany