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Überblick über die Energieeffizienzpolitik in den USA

Piria Energieeffizienzpolitik USA adelphi

© 2017, adelphi

Überblick über die Energieeffizienzpolitik in den USA


Piria, Raffaele et al. 2017: Überblick über die Energieeffizienzpolitik in den USA. Berlin: adelphi/RAP.

In the United States, there are no explicit goals at the federal level to limit or even reduce final energy consumption or the use of fossil fuels in the future. Nevertheless, many measures have been taken in recent years to increase energy efficiency. Some U.S. states, such as California or Massachusetts, are considered pioneers in energy efficiency policy by global standards.

The first part of this study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, provides an overview of the drivers of energy efficiency policy in the U.S. in recent years and offers an assessment of the new energy efficiency policy situation a few weeks after the election and before President Trump's inauguration. In addition, the first part introduces the key players in energy efficiency policy at the federal level. This is followed in the second part by an overview in terms of energy efficiency measures in the U.S. states, which is supported with several graphical representations. The third part of the study takes a closer look at the measures in the areas of energy efficiency obligations, buildings, industry, products and transport.


Kerstin Bacher (adelphi consult)
Dr. Jan Rosenow (Regulatory Assistance Project RAP)
Andreas Jahn (Regulatory Assistance Project RAP)
Published in
adelphi online
Published by
42 pp.
Energy, energy efficiency, energy policy