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Germany's Partnerships for Energy, Climate, Resources and Development

Ouarzazate Solar Power Station


Richard Allaway, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Germany's Partnerships for Energy, Climate, Resources and Development

How to make their work more transformative towards climate neutrality


In this research and dialogue project on behalf of the Climate Neutrality Foundation, Ecologic Institute analyzes the complex landscape of Germany's bilateral and plurilateral partnerships in the fields of energy, climate and raw materials, with a focus on partnerships with countries of the Global South.

The aim is to elaborate ways to make Germany's "partnership work" more impactful in terms of a resilient transformation towards climate neutrality in Germany and Europe as well as in the partner countries.

This project analyzes, among others, the Energy Partnerships and Dialogues run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, the Climate and Development Partnerships (P+) run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the H2Diplo / Global Hydrogen Diplomacy project of the Foreign Office, Germany's role in the Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP), as well as other related activities.

In addition to the secondary research, the project involves extensive dialogue with senior officials as well as experts and stakeholders from relevant ministries in Germany and selected partner countries and at the EU level.

The number of Germany's partnerships is increasing almost as rapidly as the urgency for a more transformative impact towards climate neutrality. How can this be achieved? We develop answers and discuss them with the relevant stakeholders.


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