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Energiepolitik in der Region New England

Piria New England Energiepolitik adelphi

© 2019 adelphi

Energiepolitik in der Region New England


Teichmann, Franziska et al. 2019: Energiepolitik in der Region New England. Berlin: adelphi consult GmbH.

New England is a leader within the U.S. in climate and energy policy. States in the region have partly ambitious emission reduction targets, promote renewable energies and are pioneers in US energy efficiency policy.

The current focus in New England's energy policy is on improving security of supply and securing favorable energy prices, which will be achieved in part by diversifying the energy supply with renewable energy and through efficiency measures.

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, provides an overview of the New England region, the current focus of energy and climate policy debates, key energy policy institutions, and the common electricity market. The study was produced to accompany the New England-Germany Energy Transition Forum in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 16, 2019.

New England is a leader within the U.S. in climate and energy policy. This study give an overview of the region's current energy and climate policy debates.


Franziska Teichmann
Magdalena Magosch
Published by
43 pp.
Energy policy, energy security, renewables, energy transition
New England, USA