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Die Debatte zur Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule

Piria Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule Trump adelphi

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Die Debatte zur Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule

Strommarktpolitik unter Präsident Trump


Piria, Raffaele et al. 2018: Die Debatte zur Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule – Strommarktpolitik unter Präsident Trump. Berlin: adelphi consult GmbH/RAP.

This study, co-authored by Raffaele Piria, analyzes the energy market policies under Trump and the lively debate around it.

The Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule was proposed by former U.S. president Trump's Energy Secretary Rick Perry in September 2017. The goal was to introduce a multibillion-dollar incentive program for power plants in large parts of the U.S. that can store at least 90 days of fuel supplies on site. Beneficiaries would be coal-fired and nuclear power plants only. The rationale given was to strengthen the resilience of power systems.

The first part of this study analyzes the key steps, starting with the energy policy focus of Trump's election campaign, through the Department of Energy's preparatory study and stakeholder reactions, to FERC's (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) decision.

The second part of the study delves into key aspects of the debate: the resilience of electricity systems in the U.S., the implications of the proposed rule for electricity market regulation, and a discussion of FERC's independence under President Trump.

The lively debate over the Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule offers a revealing glimpse into U.S.-wide electricity market policy under Trump.


Magdalena Magosch (adelphi consult)
Andreas Jahn (Regulatory Assistance Project RAP)
Published in
adelphi online
Published by
30 pp.
Energy, energy market, energy policy, Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule