Preparing the European Energy System for the Impacts of Climate Change
- Presentation
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
- Chairing
The aim of this EUSEW 2019 session was to launch the EEA report 'Adaptation challenges and opportunities for the European energy system: Ensuring a climate-resilient clean energy transition' and to discuss its key findings with relevant stakeholders. The report was presented by Eva Jensen (Head of Programme, Climate Change, Energy and Transport, EEA). Her presentation followed reflections from senior stakeholders from the European Commission (DG CLIMA and DG ENERGY), the International Energy Agency and a sector organisation (ENTSO-E), and a discussion with the audience. Matthias Duwe (Head, Climate, Ecologic Institute) moderated the session.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) has produced this report, which aims to facilitate the integrated consideration of climate change mitigation and adaptation in the energy system. This report reviews the current knowledge on how climate change, including changes in extreme weather events, can impact the various components of the energy system; it presents technical, managerial and policy options to increase the climate resilience of the energy system; it reviews the relevant policy framework and recent actions at the European and national level and from non-state actors; and it discusses obstacles to adaptation including ways to overcome them. The development of this report is supported by an external stakeholder group.