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Lang lebe der Rohstoff!

Titelkopf und Anfang des Artikels 'Lang lebe der Rohstoff!'. Ein beigefügtes Bild zeigt zwei Industriekletterer, die an einem Windrad arbeiten, im Hintergrund ist eine weitere Windturbine sichtbar. Unter dem Bild steht der Hinweis, dass Windräder eine Vielzahl an Mineralen und Metallen enthalten, die für die Transformation hin zu einer klimaneutralen Wirtschaft entscheidend sind.

© Internationale Politik 2024

Lang lebe der Rohstoff!

A more sustainable use of resources is possible. There is a wide range of measures available to reduce consumption - but there is a lack of implementation.


Langsdorf, Susanne 2024: Lang lebe der Rohstoff! Internationale Politik 2, März/April 2024, S. 52-57

When talking about the sustainable use of abiotic, i.e. non-renewable raw materials, there are two environmental perspectives to consider: On the one hand, we need minerals and metals to build the infrastructure of a climate-neutral economy. On the other hand, the extraction and utilisation of raw materials is associated with considerable environmental pollution.

In the article "Lang lebe der Rohstoff" (available in German), Susanne Langsdorf provides an overview of Germany's use of raw materials, its dependence on sometimes problematic trading partners and what tools Germany has to reduce this. So far, Germany has only utilised a small part of the available instruments. In order to increase Germany's raw material security and reduce negative environmental effects, Germany should finally look at the beginning of the value chain instead of continuing to focus primarily on the end, i.e. waste collection and recycling.

German resource and circular economy policy should focus on the beginning of the value chain in order to reduce raw material utilisation, dependencies and environmental effects.


Published in
Internationale Politik 2, März/April 2024, S. 52-57
Published by
6 pp.
raw materials security, sustainable resource use, circular economy, raw materials policy, value chains, resource conflicts, sustainable transition, raw materials markets, geopolitics.
Germancy, global