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Deine Lebensmittelreste unter der Lupe der Wissenschaft

This infographic presents the flowchart of a Citizen Science action against food waste and its steps for participants.

© Ecologic Institute 2021, CC BY-ND 4.0

Deine Lebensmittelreste unter der Lupe der Wissenschaft


Ecologic Institute 2021: Deine Lebensmittelreste unter der Lupe der Wissenschaft. Infographic.

Most food waste is generated in private households. During a before-and-after survey from May to October 2022, participants in this citizen science action measured their own kitchen waste. The data was analyzed by the research team to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions. This infographic depicts the flowchart of the action and its steps for participants.

The infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0, which means it is welcome to be used unchanged with attribution to the author. The infographic was developed by Ecologic Institute for the project "Reduction of Food Waste in Private Households in Germany".

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Concept and Content: Stefanie Wunder (Ecologic Institute)

Graphic design: Jennifer Rahn (Ecologic Institute)

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food waste, consumers, sustainable diets, education, social norms, healthy diets, consumer behavior, behavior change, interventions, evaluation, too good for the bin, sustainable consumption, resource efficiency