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Runder Tisch Meeresmüll


Runder Tisch Meeresmüll


Umweltbundesamt 2019: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll. Internet platform. URL:

The main objective of the platform is to provide organisational support for the German Roundtable on Marine Litter and its working groups. In addition, the public part of the platform serves public relations work and the bundling of information on marine litter. The Ecologic Institute developed this central German portal on marine litter technically, structurally and graphically to support the fulfilment of the tasks of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive with regard to marine litter and other international obligations (e.g. Action Plan on Marine Litter, OSPAR, HELCOM).

The goals of the platform development included:

  • better visibility for the results of the Round Table on Marine Litter,
  • better visibility for the activities of the members of the Round Table on Marine Litter,
  • simplify public relations and internal communication of the Round Table on Marine Litter,
  • transformation of the internal website area.

The German Round Table on Marine Litter has been supporting the implementation of national measures against marine litter since 2016 and serves the exchange of information between all relevant stakeholders. Around 130 experts from areas such as fisheries, shipping, industry (plastics, cosmetics, tyres), retail, science, education, tourism, environmental organisations, authorities, politics and the arts are taking part.


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Concept: Melanie Kemper, Karl Lehmann

Programming: Christian Bruhn

Design: Arif Jensen

Support: Ilka Merbold

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Project ID
waste, litter, ocean, marine litter, plastic, internet, platform, exchange, communication, information
Germany, Baltic Sea, North Sea
development, relaunch, maintenance, management, hosting, website, concept, content management, data migration