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Best Practice Examples of Existing Economic Policy Instruments and Potential New Economic Policy Instruments to Reduce Marine Litter and Eliminate Barriers to GES

CleanSea Policy Brief

Best Practice Examples of Existing Economic Policy Instruments and Potential New Economic Policy Instruments to Reduce Marine Litter and Eliminate Barriers to GES


Boteler, Benjamin et. al. 2015: Best Practice Examples of Existing Economic Policy Instruments and Potential New Economic Policy Instruments to Reduce Marine Litter and Eliminate Barriers to GES. CleanSea Policy Brief.

This CleanSea policy brief provides a critical review and assessment of potential measures to reduce marine litter. This brief focuses on existing economic instruments implemented in Europe. It points critical factors which influence the appropriateness and effectiveness of economic instruments. It also shows where the scope of current economic instruments could be expanded to explore their capacity to reduce marine litter. Such an evaluation of existing economic instruments to reduce marine litter is essential to furthering the necessary steps to achieve GES and sustainable marine ecosystem management. The policy brief is available for download.

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Benjamin Boteler
Katrina Abhold
Frans Oosterhuis
Pedro Fernandez
Dariya Hadzhiyska
Denitza Pavlova
Joana Mira Veiga
13 pp.
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marine litter, waste and resource management, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, MSFD, International Environmental law, cost-benefit-analysis, monitoring, Best Practice
Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea