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Marine Litter in the Baltic Sea: Challenges and Opportunities (CleanSea Discussion)

Dr. Ingo Sartorius, PlasticsEurope Deutschland

Marine Litter in the Baltic Sea: Challenges and Opportunities (CleanSea Discussion)

Berlin, Germany

On 14 November 2013, a workshop on marine litter in the Baltic Sea took place at the Ecologic Institute's offices in Berlin. Susanne Altvater, a Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave an introductory presentation on the topic and on the Clean Sea project in general to German representatives of the relevant industries. Subsequently, Matthias Mossbauer presented the first results of the project MARLISCO. Dr. Ingo Sartorius presented activities of the plastic associations regarding marine litter. All presentation slides are available for download.

The workshop "Marine litter in the Baltic Sea: challenges and opportunities" was organized as part of the CleanSea project. CleanSea is a European multidisciplinary research project, which aims to assist Member States and other stakeholders with an improved knowledge base, as well as methods and tools to reduce the marine debris. The project will run until mid-2015.

At the beginning of the event Susanne Altvater, Ecologic Institute gave an introductory presentation on marine litter in the Baltic Sea and introduced the project CleanSea. Subsequently Matthias Mossbauer, EUCC The Coastal Union Germany eV, presented first results of the project MARLISCO. Aim of the work in MARLISCO is to increase the awareness of society for the environmental and economic problems caused by marine litter and thereby influence decisions and behavior in society in favor of a better marine protection. Dr. Ingo Sartorius, Head of the department "Humans and Environment" in Plastics Europe Germany e.V., presented activities of the plastic associations, regarding marine litter.

Apart from the lectures and the joint discussion on the challenges in the Baltic Sea caused by marine litter, the participants were separated in the afternoon in two groups discussing the following topics in more detail:

  • Legal and institutional framework regarding marine litter
  • Socio-economic aspects related to marine litter

The results of this discussion will feed directly into the 'roadmap' of the CleanSea project, which will support the EU Member States and other stakeholders with an improved knowledge base, as well as methods and tools in order to have clean, healthy and productive marine regions.

A clean, litter-free marine environment through scientific evidence, innovative tools and good governance

More content from this project

Susanne Altvater, Ass.iur.
Andrew Reid
Franziska Lehmann
Benjamin Boteler
Sarina Bstieler
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
Marine litter, Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Good Environmental Status (GES), microplastics, marine ecosystem impacts, ecosystem approach, monitoring, socio-economic drivers and barriers, governance, legislation, innovative tools, participatory approach, mitigation measures, policy options.
Baltic Sea, Europe