Ecologic Institut 2020
Nutzerhandbuch für Mitglieder
Internetplattform Runder Tisch Meeresmüll
- Publication
- Citation
Kemper, M., K. Lehmann, C. Bruhn und I. Merbold (2020): Nutzerhandbuch für Mitglieder – Internetplattform Runder Tisch Meeresmüll www.muell-im-meer.de. Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unveröffentlicht.
This user manual supports the members of the German Roundtable on Marine Litter in using the internet platform https://muell-im-meer.de. In the internal area of the platform, members have various possibilities to present their organization and its activities for reducing marine litter as well as to participate in working groups. Distribution list maintenance and communication within the Roundtable on Marine Litter is also handled and documented via the platform.
The manual is clearly written and richly illustrated. It is continuously updated when new functionalities are activated on the platform or formulations turn out to be misleading.