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Update of the Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Baden-Württemberg

Hubert Berberich (HubiB), CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Update of the Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Baden-Württemberg


Existing climate models show that global warming will have severe consequences for Germany and Baden-Württemberg if effective action is not taken. In addition to measures for climate protection, adaptation measures are therefore also necessary to mitigate the unavoidable consequences of climate change. In 2015, the state of Baden-Württemberg adopted the "Strategy for Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change in Baden-Württemberg." This was followed in 2022 by the report "Climate Future Baden-Württemberg" (Klimaleitplanken 2.0) with a summary of the expected climate signals and effects. According to the Climate Protection Act, the adaptation strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg is to be updated every 5 years. The update of the strategy is coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment and supported by LUBW in technical and organizational terms.

The aim of the project "Editorial preparation of the update of the strategy for adaptation to climate change in Baden-Württemberg" is the editorial preparation and graphical presentation of the update of the adaptation strategy in Baden-Württemberg. With the help of graphic elements and a well-designed reader guidance, the reader orientation should be improved and the visual quality of the document increased. Central graphical elements for the different topics of the adaptation strategy were created. In addition to the graphic design, Ecologic Institute supports the creation of individual chapters, e.g. on climate change impacts, and develops an abridged version of the update of the adaptation strategy.


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Beáta Welk Vargová
Project ID
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Editing, graphical presentation, layout, design, reader guidance, reader orientation, visuals