Toxizität von Humanarzneimittelwirkstoffen für Nichtzielorganismen
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Umweltbundesamt 2024: Toxizität von Humanarzneimittelwirkstoffen für Nichtzielorganismen. Infografik. Online:
This infographic provides a brief overview of the toxicity of human pharmaceutical substances on non-target organisms observed in laboratory and case studies. A detailed version of the table, which also includes effect concentrations and literature sources, can be downloaded as a PDF.
The infographic classifies the toxicity of various active substances in the active substance groups analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, antiparasitics, glucocorticoids and steroid hormones by color. It can help doctors to take environmental aspects into account when choosing an active ingredient.
The infographic is part of the UBA portal "Humanarzneimittel und Umwelt". With its CC-BY 4.0 license, it can be shared and edited, provided the author is acknowledged. You are welcome to share this important information with other interested parties and thus promote awareness of environmentally conscious selection of active pharmaceutical ingredients.